Repeals. — Laws 1988, ch. 134, § 7F, repealed 7-27-5.7 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1988, ch. 134, § 7, relating to oil and gas production investments, effective July 1, 1991. For provisions of former section, see the 1990 NMSA 1978 on
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 27 - Severance Tax Bonding Act
Section 7-27-2 - Severance tax bonding fund created.
Section 7-27-3 - Severance tax permanent fund created.
Section 7-27-3.1 - Transfer of investment powers.
Section 7-27-3.2 - Definition.
Section 7-27-3.3 - Severance tax permanent fund; annual distributions.
Section 7-27-5 - Investment of severance tax permanent fund.
Section 7-27-5.3 - Conventional mortgage pass-through securities.
Section 7-27-5.4 - New Mexico business investments.
Section 7-27-5.5 - Educational loan notes.
Section 7-27-5.13 - Educational institution research and development facilities revenue bonds.
Section 7-27-5.14 - Findings and purpose.
Section 7-27-5.15 - New Mexico private equity funds and New Mexico business investments.
Section 7-27-5.17 - Employers mutual company revenue bonds.
Section 7-27-5.19 - Deposits in New Mexico financial institutions; limitations.
Section 7-27-5.20 - Deposits in New Mexico credit unions.
Section 7-27-5.21 - New Mexico lottery revenue bonds.
Section 7-27-5.26 - Investment in films to be produced in New Mexico.
Section 7-27-5.27 - Local government emergency economic relief.
Section 7-27-6 - Severance tax bonding fund pledged.
Section 7-27-7 - Special income to retire bonds.
Section 7-27-8 - Transfer of money to severance tax permanent fund.
Section 7-27-9 - Bonds to be known as severance tax bonds and supplemental severance tax bonds.
Section 7-27-10 - State board of finance shall issue bonds.
Section 7-27-11 - Authority to refund bonds.
Section 7-27-12 - When severance tax bonds to be issued.
Section 7-27-12.1 - Severance tax bonds; purpose for which issued; appropriation of proceeds.
Section 7-27-14 - Amount of tax; security for bonds.
Section 7-27-15 - Majority approval necessary for board action.
Section 7-27-16 - Form of bonds.
Section 7-27-17 - Execution of bonds.
Section 7-27-18 - Procedure for sale of bonds.
Section 7-27-19 - Severance tax bonds and supplemental severance tax bonds legal investments.
Section 7-27-20 - Expenses paid from severance tax bonding fund.
Section 7-27-21 - Treasurer to make bond payments and keep records.
Section 7-27-22 - Severance tax bonding act to be full authority for issuance of bonds.
Section 7-27-23 - Suit may be brought to compel performance of officers.
Section 7-27-24 - Bonds tax free.
Section 7-27-25 - No impairment of obligation of contract.
Section 7-27-26 - Severance tax bonding fund continued.
Section 7-27-27 - Purpose and intent.
Section 7-27-31 - Severance tax income bond retirement fund created.
Section 7-27-32 - Severance tax income bond retirement fund pledged.
Section 7-27-42 - Severance tax income bonds; legal investments.
Section 7-27-43 - Expenses paid from severance tax income bond retirement fund.
Section 7-27-44 - Treasurer to make bond payments and keep records.
Section 7-27-46 - Suit may be brought to compel performance of officers.
Section 7-27-47 - Bonds tax-free.
Section 7-27-48 - Temporary provision; no impairment of obligation of contract.