2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 19 - Supplemental Municipal Gross Receipts Tax
Section 7-19-17 - Issuance of bonds; purposes.

A. If the ordinance imposing the supplemental municipal gross receipts tax is approved as provided in Subsection E of Section 7-19-12 NMSA 1978, the governing body of a municipality may issue bonds pursuant to the Supplemental Municipal Gross Receipts Tax Act in an amount not to exceed nine million dollars ($9,000,000). The supplemental municipal gross receipts bonds shall be issued for the purpose of constructing and equipping and otherwise acquiring a municipal water supply system, including the purchase of water rights and easements, equipment and professional fees related thereto, to be paid back from the proceeds of the supplemental municipal gross receipts tax imposed.
B. Supplemental municipal gross receipts bonds shall be issued and sold as provided in the Supplemental Municipal Gross Receipts Tax Act. The governing body of the municipality shall determine at its discretion the terms, covenants and conditions of the supplemental municipal gross receipts bonds, including but not limited to, date of issuance, denomination, maturity, coupon rates, call features, premium, registration, refundability and other matters covering the general and technical aspects of their issuance. These bonds may be either serial or term and may be sold by the governing body of the municipality at the time and in the manner as the governing body may elect, at either public or private sale. The supplemental municipal gross receipts bonds shall not be considered or held to be general obligations of the municipality issuing them and are payable solely from the revenue accruing from the revenue of the supplemental municipal gross receipts tax. The ordinance authorizing the tax shall be irrepealable until these bonds are fully paid.
History: Laws 1979, ch. 397, § 8; 1980, ch. 106, § 3; 1986, ch. 6, § 2.