2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 16A - Special Fuels Supplier Tax
Section 7-16A-19.1 - Border crossing special fuel user permit.

A. A special fuel user who operates a commercial motor carrier vehicle registered or titled in Mexico, who is engaged primarily in movement across the New Mexico-Mexico border and into or from an international border commercial zone and whose exclusive use of New Mexico highways is limited to an area within ten miles of the New Mexico-Mexico border may apply for, on a form approved by the department of transportation, a quarterly, semi-annual or annual border crossing special fuel user permit. The department of transportation shall issue the permit if it approves the application and upon payment of the fee for the permit.
B. The department of transportation shall establish by rule the amount, which shall not exceed the following, of fees for border crossing special fuel user permits:
(1) for a quarterly permit, one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125);
(2) for a semi-annual permit, two hundred dollars ($200); and
(3) for an annual permit, three hundred fifty dollars ($350).
C. As used in this section, "international border commercial zone" means that part of a commercial zone established by a law of the United States that extends into New Mexico.
History: Laws 2018, ch. 77, § 1; 2021, ch. 59, § 5.
The 2021 amendment, effective June 18, 2021, made conforming changes due to the transfer of certain authority to the department of transportation, and removed a provision authorizing the taxation and revenue department to revoke the border crossing special fuel user permit of a special fuel user found to have violated the Special Fuels Supplier Tax Act; after each occurrence of "department", added "of transportation" throughout; and deleted former Subsection C and redesignated former Subsection D as Subsection C.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 7 - Taxation

Article 16A - Special Fuels Supplier Tax

Section 7-16A-1 - Short title.

Section 7-16A-2 - Definitions.

Section 7-16A-2.1 - When special fuel received or used; who is required to pay tax.

Section 7-16A-3 - Imposition and rate of tax; denomination as special fuel excise tax.

Section 7-16A-4 - Special fuel inventory tax; imposition of tax; date payment of tax due.

Section 7-16A-5 - Special fuel inventories.

Section 7-16A-5.1 - Manifest or bill of lading required when transporting special fuels.

Section 7-16A-6 - Special fuel inventory tax refund.

Section 7-16A-7 - Repealed.

Section 7-16A-8 - Repealed.

Section 7-16A-9 - Tax returns; payment of tax.

Section 7-16A-9.1 - Returns by retailers; requirements.

Section 7-16A-9.2 - Returns by wholesalers.

Section 7-16A-9.3 - Returns by rack operators; requirements.

Section 7-16A-9.4 - Reporting requirements; special fuel deduction; biodiesel.

Section 7-16A-10 - Deductions; special fuel excise tax; special fuel suppliers.

Section 7-16A-11 - Tax returns; payment of tax; special fuel users; exception.

Section 7-16A-12 - Credit; special fuel excise tax; special fuel users.

Section 7-16A-13 - Claim for refund or credit of special fuel excise tax paid; on special fuel destroyed by fire, accident or acts of God before retail sale; on special fuel previously received from a source other than a refiner or pipeline terminal.

Section 7-16A-13.1 - Claim for refund of special fuel excise tax paid on special fuel.

Section 7-16A-14 - Registration necessary to engage in business as rack operator, special fuel supplier or dealer.

Section 7-16A-15 - Bond required of supplier.

Section 7-16A-15.1 - Special fuel users; surety bond required; exceptions.

Section 7-16A-16 - Delivery and use of special fuel prohibited in certain cases.

Section 7-16A-17 - Repealed.

Section 7-16A-18 - Repealed.

Section 7-16A-19 - Special fuel user permits; violation.

Section 7-16A-19.1 - Border crossing special fuel user permit.

Section 7-16A-20 - Administration and enforcement of act.

Section 7-16A-20.1 - Special fuels; authority of secretary to terminate interstate agreements.

Section 7-16A-21 - Temporary provision; continuity of actions.