2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - State Funds and Capital Programs
Section 6-4-10 - Tobacco settlement program fund created; purpose.

A. The "tobacco settlement program fund" is created in the state treasury and shall consist of distributions made to the fund from the tobacco settlement permanent fund. Income from investment of the tobacco settlement program fund shall be credited to the fund. Beginning in fiscal year 2002, money in the tobacco settlement program fund may be appropriated by the legislature for any of the purposes specified in Subsection B of this section and after receiving the recommendations of the tobacco settlement revenue oversight committee. Balances in the tobacco settlement program fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain in the fund.
B. Money may be appropriated from the tobacco settlement program fund for health and educational purposes, including:
(1) support of additional public school programs, including extracurricular and after-school programs designed to involve students in athletic, academic, musical, cultural, civic, mentoring and similar types of activities;
(2) any health or health care program or service for prevention or treatment of disease or illness;
(3) basic and applied research conducted by higher educational institutions or state agencies addressing the impact of smoking or other behavior on health and disease;
(4) public health programs and needs; and
(5) tobacco use cessation and prevention programs, including statewide public information, education and media campaigns.
History: Laws 1999, ch. 207, § 2; 2000 (2nd S.S.), ch. 9, § 2.
Repeals. — Laws 2009, ch. 3, § 12 repealed Laws 2008, ch. 50, § 1, relating to tobacco settlement program fund appropriations, effective February 6, 2009.
The 2000 amendment, effective April 12, 2000, changed the "tobacco settlement income fund" to the "tobacco settlement program fund" in the section heading and in the beginning of Subsections A and B; in Subsection A, substituted "distributions" for "appropriations", added the second sentence, inserted "Beginning in fiscal year 2002" and "and after receiving the recommendations of the tobacco settlement revenue oversight committee" in the third sentence and added the fourth sentence; and inserted "statewide" in Subsection B(5).

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 6 - Public Finances

Article 4 - State Funds and Capital Programs

Section 6-4-1 - Capital programs; preparation; duties.

Section 6-4-2 - [General fund created.]

Section 6-4-2.1 - General fund operating reserve created; authorizing expenditures.

Section 6-4-2.2 - General fund tax stabilization reserve.

Section 6-4-2.3 - Appropriation contingency fund.

Section 6-4-2.4 - Repealed.

Section 6-4-2.5 - New Mexico recovery and reinvestment fund.

Section 6-4-3 - State revenue-sharing trust fund created.

Section 6-4-4 - Transfers between general fund reserves.

Section 6-4-5 - Repealed.

Section 6-4-6 - Expenditures authorized to maintain cash flow.

Section 6-4-7 - Computer systems enhancement fund; created.

Section 6-4-8 - Repealed.

Section 6-4-9 - Tobacco settlement permanent fund; investment; distribution.

Section 6-4-10 - Tobacco settlement program fund created; purpose.

Section 6-4-11 - Tobacco settlement distributions to state; transfer to tobacco settlement permanent fund.

Section 6-4-12 - Definitions.

Section 6-4-13 - Requirements. (Contingent repeal.)

Section 6-4-13.1 - Severability.

Section 6-4-14 - Short title.

Section 6-4-15 - Findings and purpose.

Section 6-4-16 - Definitions.

Section 6-4-17 - Certification by tobacco product manufacturer.

Section 6-4-18 - Directory of tobacco product manufacturers and cigarette brands.

Section 6-4-18.1 - Bond requirements for newly qualified and elevated risk nonparticipating manufacturers.

Section 6-4-19 - Maintenance of directory; notice.

Section 6-4-20 - Agent for service of process.

Section 6-4-20.1 - Joint and several liability.

Section 6-4-21 - Reporting of information; escrow installments.

Section 6-4-22 - Penalties and other remedies.

Section 6-4-23 - General provisions.

Section 6-4-24 - Construction of act.

Section 6-4-24.1 - Attorney general authority; audit and investigation.

Section 6-4-24.2 - Presumption.

Section 6-4-25 - Gasoline and home heating relief fund; created.

Section 6-4-26 - Governor's contingency fund; created; purpose; audits.

Section 6-4-27 - Excess extraction taxes suspense fund; transfer of excess oil and gas emergency school tax revenue; tax stabilization reserve; early childhood education and care fund.