2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 24 - New Mexico Lottery
Section 6-24-6 - Powers of the authority.

A. The authority shall have all powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of the New Mexico Lottery Act that are not in conflict with the constitution of New Mexico and that are generally exercised by corporations engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits, including the power to:
(1) sue and be sued;
(2) adopt and alter a seal;
(3) adopt, amend and repeal bylaws, rules, policies and procedures for the conduct of its affairs and its business;
(4) procure or provide insurance;
(5) hold copyrights, trademarks and service marks and enforce its rights with respect thereto;
(6) initiate, supervise and administer the operation of the lottery in accordance with the provisions of the New Mexico Lottery Act and rules, policies and procedures adopted pursuant to that act;
(7) enter into written agreements or contracts for the operation, participation in or marketing or promotion of a joint lottery or joint lottery games with operators of a lottery:
(a) in one or more other states;
(b) in a territory of the United States;
(c) in one or more political subdivisions of another state or territory of the United States;
(d) in a sovereign nation;
(e) in an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo located within the United States; or
(f) legally operated outside of the United States;
(8) acquire or lease real property and make improvements thereon and acquire by lease or by purchase personal property, including computers, mechanical, electronic and on-line equipment and terminals and intangible property, including computer programs, systems and software;
(9) enter into contracts to incur debt and borrow money in its own name and enter into financing agreements with the state, with agencies or instrumentalities of the state or with any commercial bank or credit provider;
(10) receive and expend, in accordance with the provisions of the New Mexico Lottery Act, all money received from any lottery or nonlottery source for effectuating the purposes of the New Mexico Lottery Act;
(11) administer oaths, take depositions, issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers, documents and other evidence relative to any investigation or proceeding conducted by the authority;
(12) appoint and prescribe the duties of officers, agents and employees of the authority, including professional and administrative staff and personnel, and to fix their compensation, pay their expenses and provide a benefit program, including a retirement plan and a group insurance plan;
(13) select and contract with lottery vendors and lottery retailers;
(14) enter into contracts or agreements with state, local or federal law enforcement agencies or private investigators or other persons for the performance of law enforcement, background investigations and security checks;
(15) enter into contracts of all types on such terms and conditions as the authority may determine;
(16) establish and maintain banking relationships, including establishment of checking and savings accounts and lines of credit;
(17) advertise and promote the lottery and lottery games;
(18) act as a lottery retailer, conduct promotions that involve the dispensing of lottery tickets and establish and operate a sales facility to sell lottery tickets and any related merchandise; and
(19) adopt, repeal and amend such rules, policies and procedures as necessary to carry out and implement its powers and duties, organize and operate the authority, conduct lottery games and any other matters necessary or desirable for the efficient and effective operation of the lottery and the convenience of the public.
B. The powers enumerated in this section are cumulative of and in addition to those powers enumerated elsewhere in the New Mexico Lottery Act, and no such powers limit or restrict any other powers of the authority.
History: Laws 1995, ch. 155, § 6; 2003, ch. 112, § 1.
The 2003 amendment, effective April 2, 2003, in Subsection A, deleted "any and" preceding "all powers necessary", deleted "but without limiting the generality of the foregoing" near the end; in Subsection A(7), substituted "or contracts" for "with one or more other states" preceding "for the operation" added "with operators of a lottery:" at the end; added Subsections A(7)(a) to (f); deleted "but not limited to" in Subsections A(8), (12), and (16); inserted "with" preceding "agencies or instrumentalities" in Subsection A(9); and deleted "any and" preceding "all types on" in Subsection A(15).

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 6 - Public Finances

Article 24 - New Mexico Lottery

Section 6-24-1 - Short title.

Section 6-24-2 - Legislative findings.

Section 6-24-3 - Purposes.

Section 6-24-4 - Definitions.

Section 6-24-5 - New Mexico lottery authority created.

Section 6-24-6 - Powers of the authority.

Section 6-24-7 - Board of directors; duties.

Section 6-24-8 - Lottery games; adoption of rules, policies and procedures by board.

Section 6-24-9 - Legislative oversight; legislative finance committee; duties.

Section 6-24-10 - Chief executive officer; compensation; appointment; duties.

Section 6-24-11 - Employees; conflict of interest; investigations; bonds.

Section 6-24-12 - Executive vice president for security; qualifications; duties.

Section 6-24-13 - Determination of confidential information; applicability of Open Meetings Act; criminal investigations.

Section 6-24-14 - Lottery retailers; contracts; sales commission; bonds.

Section 6-24-15 - Lottery tickets; sales.

Section 6-24-16 - Termination of lottery retailer contracts.

Section 6-24-17 - Disclosure of odds.

Section 6-24-18 - Felony and gambling-related convictions; ineligibility for lottery positions.

Section 6-24-19 - Procurement; competitive proposals.

Section 6-24-20 - Disclosures by lottery vendor.

Section 6-24-21 - Drawings for and payment of prizes; unclaimed prizes; applicability of taxation.

Section 6-24-22 - Lien on lottery winnings for debt collected by human services department; payment to department; procedure.

Section 6-24-23 - Recompiled.

Section 6-24-24 - Disposition of revenue.

Section 6-24-25 - Prohibition on use of state funds.

Section 6-24-26 - Authorization to issue revenue bonds.

Section 6-24-27 - Revenue and budget reports; records; independent audits.

Section 6-24-28 - Internal auditor; appointment; duties.

Section 6-24-29 - Unlawfully influencing and fraud; penalties.

Section 6-24-30 - Conflicts of interest; penalties.

Section 6-24-31 - Forgery of lottery ticket; penalty.

Section 6-24-32 - Unlawful sale of lottery ticket; penalty.

Section 6-24-33 - Unlawful purchase of lottery ticket; penalty.

Section 6-24-34 - Criminal provisions of act in addition to any existing Criminal Code provisions.