2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Banking Generally
Section 58-1-22 - Investments.

A. In addition to other investments expressly authorized by the Banking Act, a state bank may:
(1) purchase or discount obligations that satisfy the requirements of the Banking Act for loans;
(2) purchase or discount obligations of the United States or a state of the United States or bonds or debentures issued pursuant to the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, and the Farm Credit Act of 1933, as amended;
(3) purchase or discount obligations in amounts not to exceed ten percent of its capital and surplus for each of the following: the inter-American development bank, the African development bank, the Asian development bank and the international bank for reconstruction and redevelopment;
(4) purchase or discount obligations of a territory of the United States, a subdivision or instrumentality of a state or territory of the United States or an authority organized under either state law, an interstate compact or by substantially identical legislation adopted by two or more states;
(5) purchase or discount obligations of a corporation chartered by the United States or a state thereof doing business in the United States that are approved by the director for investment;
(6) invest in industrial revenue bonds issued by the state or any of its political subdivisions up to twenty percent of its capital and surplus for any one issue, with a total in all such issues not to exceed fifty percent of its capital and surplus;
(7) invest an amount not exceeding twenty percent of its capital and surplus in any one issue for revenue obligations issued to provide, enlarge or improve electric power, gas, water, sewer facilities and other public facilities by any city or town located in the state; and
(8) invest in any obligation in which a national bank is authorized to invest at the time of making the investment, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in the Banking Act.
B. A state bank authorized to exercise trust powers may invest an amount not exceeding ten percent of its capital in the stock of a corporation owned entirely by banks and exclusively engaged in a trust company business and maintaining its offices on the premises used by the bank or another bank also owning part of its capital stock or adjacent to the premises of any bank owning part of its stock.
C. A state bank may invest an amount not exceeding twenty-five percent of its capital and surplus in the stock and obligations of a corporation owning the premises occupied by the bank for the transaction of its business.
D. A state bank may purchase or sell without recourse against it any security upon the order of a customer and for his account.
E. A state bank may invest an amount approved by the director in the stock of a corporation owned entirely by banks and engaged in providing record-keeping services using electronic or other similar machines.
F. A state bank may make an investment or conduct an activity the director determines is a part of or is incidental to the business of banking notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Banking Act.
History: 1953 Comp., § 48-22-22, enacted by Laws 1963, ch. 305, § 22; 1975, ch. 330, § 15; 1988, ch. 22, § 1; 1997, ch. 23, § 3.
The 1997 amendment, effective July 1, 1997, added Subsection F and made minor stylistic changes in Paragraphs A(1) and (5).
Federal acts. — The Federal Farm Loan Act and the federal Farm Credit Act of 1933 appeared as 12 U.S.C. § 641 et seq.; those provisions were repealed or superseded in 1971. Current comparable provisions are 12 U.S.C. § 2001 et seq.
State chartered banks and savings and loan associations are permitted to invest in mutual funds. 1987 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 87-04.
Mutual funds may not be pledged as collateral for depositions of public funds. 1987 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 87-04.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 10 Am. Jur. 2d Banks § 157.
Liability of bank for losses incurred on loans or investments made on recommendation of its officers or employees, 113 A.L.R. 246.
9 C.J.S. Banks and Banking § 184.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 58 - Financial Institutions and Regulations

Article 1 - Banking Generally

Section 58-1-1 - Short title.

Section 58-1-2 - Definitions of banks.

Section 58-1-2.1 - Prohibition.

Section 58-1-3 - Definitions.

Section 58-1-4 - Effect on existing banks.

Section 58-1-5 - Deposit of minor; school or institutional deposits.

Section 58-1-6 - Designating agent.

Section 58-1-7 - Adverse claim to deposit.

Section 58-1-8 - Payment from account when no executor or administrator has qualified.

Section 58-1-9 - Transmitting money; foreign exchange.

Section 58-1-10 - Authority to engage in leasing safe deposit facilities; subsidiary company.

Section 58-1-11 - Access by fiduciaries.

Section 58-1-12 - Effect of lessee's death or incapacity.

Section 58-1-13 - Lease to minor.

Section 58-1-14 - Search procedure on death.

Section 58-1-15 - Adverse claims to contents of safe deposit box.

Section 58-1-16 - Special remedies for nonpayment of rent.

Section 58-1-17 - Qualification and fiduciary powers.

Section 58-1-18 - Fiduciary bond or oath excused.

Section 58-1-19 - Identification and segregation of fiduciary assets; investment and deposit of cash.

Section 58-1-20 - Reserves against deposits.

Section 58-1-21 - Loans.

Section 58-1-22 - Investments.

Section 58-1-23 - Acceptances.

Section 58-1-24 - Diversification of loans and investments.

Section 58-1-25 - Acquisition of property to satisfy or protect previous loan.

Section 58-1-26 - Acquisition of banking premises and equipment.

Section 58-1-27 - Sale of assets in ordinary course.

Section 58-1-28 - Borrowing.

Section 58-1-29 - Issuance of capital debentures or notes.

Section 58-1-30 - Pledge of assets.

Section 58-1-31 - Endorsement and signature guaranty and unauthorized assumption of liability.

Section 58-1-32 - Director of the financial institutions division; appointment and qualifications; salary.

Section 58-1-33 - Oath of secrecy; surety bonds.

Section 58-1-34 - Powers of director.

Section 58-1-35 - Employees [Examiners] and clerks; designation of deputy.

Section 58-1-36 - Seal of the director.

Section 58-1-37 - Office of the commissioner [director]; delegation of powers.

Section 58-1-38 - Divulging information prohibited; exchange of information with United States; violation a misdemeanor.

Section 58-1-39 - Bank records; prescribing manner of keeping.

Section 58-1-40 - Reports of condition; special reports; failure to make; penalty.

Section 58-1-41 - Supervision fees.

Section 58-1-41.1 - Trust department examination; fees.

Section 58-1-41.2 - Additional examinations.

Section 58-1-42 - Repealed.

Section 58-1-43 - Fees and penalties; disposition.

Section 58-1-44 - Copies of reports and records; evidence; fees.

Section 58-1-45 - Court review.

Section 58-1-46 - Examinations and reports.

Section 58-1-47 - Commissioner's [Director's] annual report.

Section 58-1-48 - Records of division.

Section 58-1-49 - Banking interests of officers and employees of the department of banking [financial institutions division]

Section 58-1-50 - Limitation of personal liability.

Section 58-1-51 - Standards in regulations.

Section 58-1-52 - Incorporators.

Section 58-1-53 - General corporate powers.

Section 58-1-54 - Powers of director and of state banks.

Section 58-1-55 - Capital structure; impairment of capital.

Section 58-1-56 - Notice of intention.

Section 58-1-57 - Application for permission to file corporate papers.

Section 58-1-58 - Determination on application for permission to file with the corporation commission [public regulation commission]

Section 58-1-59 - Subscription calls.

Section 58-1-60 - First meetings of stockholders and directors; adoption of bylaws.

Section 58-1-61 - Certificate of authority.

Section 58-1-62 - Amendment of articles of incorporation.

Section 58-1-63 - Repealed.

Section 58-1-64 - Meetings of stockholders; voting; proxies; voting trusts; preemptive right; transfer of stock; report of holdings.

Section 58-1-65 - Directors and officers.

Section 58-1-66 - Directors; meetings and duties.

Section 58-1-67 - Fidelity bonds and other insurance.

Section 58-1-68 - Authority to declare dividends.

Section 58-1-69 - Capital, surplus and undivided profits; accounting requirements.

Section 58-1-70 - Deposit insurance; membership in federal reserve system.

Section 58-1-71 - Waivers; corporate action by unanimously signed writing.

Section 58-1-72 - Voluntary liquidation and dissolution.

Section 58-1-73 - Director in possession.

Section 58-1-74 - Requirements of reorganization plan.

Section 58-1-75 - Liquidation by commissioner [director].

Section 58-1-76 - Unauthorized conduct of banking business.

Section 58-1-77 - Receipt of deposits while insolvent.

Section 58-1-78 - Unlawful service as officer or director.

Section 58-1-79 - Unlawful gratuity or compensation; transactions of persons connected with state bank.

Section 58-1-80 - Unlawful concealment of transaction.

Section 58-1-81 - Improper maintenance of accounts; false or deceptive entries and statements.

Section 58-1-82 - Reimbursement for fines and penalties.

Section 58-1-83 - Unlawful use of words "safe deposit.".

Section 58-1-84 - Unlawful sanctions; violations of rules and orders.

Section 58-1-85 - Injunction.