2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 9 - Transfers to Prefer Creditors - Voluntary Assignments
Section 56-9-48 - [Discharge; application by assignee; notice; contents of petition.]

When any assignee becomes satisfied that it is no longer advantageous to the creditors of his assignor to keep the assignment open, he may apply to the district court for a discharge from his trust, upon a notice of his intention to make such application, stating the time thereof, which notice shall be published in the newspaper aforesaid, for at least four weeks next before such time, at which time he may file his petition in said court for such discharge; which petition, verified by his affidavit, shall set forth the disposition made of the assets of the assignment to him; what portion of them remains on hand, and their condition; the amount realized from the assets; the particular disposition of such amount; the demands allowed particularly, with their respective amounts, and owners' names, and the sums paid on each, with an offer to deliver into the charge of the court what remains of the assets, and the evidence thereof, and accompanied by all vouchers therewith connected.
History: Laws 1889, ch. 71, § 39; C.L. 1897, § 2865; Code 1915, § 321; C.S. 1929, § 7-148; 1941 Comp., § 23-148; 1953 Comp., § 27-1-48.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Cross references. — For publication of notice, see 14-11-1 to 14-11-3, 14-11-13 NMSA 1978.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 6 Am. Jur. 2d Assignments for Benefit of Creditors §§ 50, 51, 53, 54, 66, 88.
Debtor's transfer of assets to representative of creditors as effectuating release of unsecured claims, in absence of express agreement to that effect, 8 A.L.R.3d 903.
6A C.J.S. Assignments for Benefit of Creditors §§ 112 to 126, 172.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 56 - Commercial Instruments and Transactions

Article 9 - Transfers to Prefer Creditors - Voluntary Assignments

Section 56-9-1 - [Transfers to prefer creditors; effect; exception of mortgage in good faith.]

Section 56-9-2 - [Interested persons may file suit.]

Section 56-9-3 - [Parties; order for creditors to appear; publication of notice.]

Section 56-9-4 - [Surrender of property to receiver.]

Section 56-9-5 - [Distribution of assets; final judgment; appeal.]

Section 56-9-6 - [Writ of ne exeat or attachment.]

Section 56-9-7 - [Claims of creditors; verification.]

Section 56-9-8 - [Voluntary assignment; assignment not operative until execution of bond; action on bond.]

Section 56-9-9 - [Failure of assignee to settle estate; suit to compel settlement.]

Section 56-9-10 - [Voluntary assignments; acknowledgment and recording.]

Section 56-9-11 - [Inventory by assignee.]

Section 56-9-12 - [Inventory to be accompanied by affidavit.]

Section 56-9-13 - [Appraisement.]

Section 56-9-14 - [Oath of appraisers.]

Section 56-9-15 - [Filing of appraisement and oath.]

Section 56-9-16 - [Compensation of appraisers.]

Section 56-9-17 - [Additional property; appraisement.]

Section 56-9-18 - [Statement of assignee; bond.]

Section 56-9-19 - [Conditions of bond.]

Section 56-9-20 - [Recording of bond; filing copies of bond and other papers with county clerk.]

Section 56-9-21 - [Approval or rejection of bonds taken in vacation.]

Section 56-9-22 - [Failure to give additional bond; revocation of authority.]

Section 56-9-23 - [Old bond is valid until new bond approved.]

Section 56-9-24 - [Suit on bond.]

Section 56-9-25 - [Statement of accounts; time of making; dismissal for failure to make.]

Section 56-9-26 - [Notice of filing accounts.]

Section 56-9-27 - [Advertising paid by assignee; credit.]

Section 56-9-28 - [Adjustment and allowance of demands.]

Section 56-9-29 - [Notice of adjusting and allowing demands; publication; procedure; claims not presented.]

Section 56-9-30 - [Assignee may administer oaths to witnesses.]

Section 56-9-31 - [Rejection of claims.]

Section 56-9-32 - [Rejected claim; right to bring action; limitation.]

Section 56-9-33 - [Judgments in favor of claimant certified to assignee.]

Section 56-9-34 - [Claims of assignee; presentation to court; temporary assignee; allowance or rejection of claim.]

Section 56-9-35 - [Failure of assignee to file inventory or give bond; citation to show cause.]

Section 56-9-36 - [Dismissal of assignee.]

Section 56-9-37 - [Insolvency or removal of security on bond.]

Section 56-9-38 - [Appointment of new assignee.]

Section 56-9-39 - [Dismissal of assignee; delivery of papers, moneys and effects.]

Section 56-9-40 - [Sale of property; order of court; bond of assignee.]

Section 56-9-41 - [Time for payment of claims; notice; refusal to pay; penalty; dismissal.]

Section 56-9-42 - [Assignee to give information as to condition of estate.]

Section 56-9-43 - [Petition for relief against assignee; citation; procedure.]

Section 56-9-44 - [Exempt property not included in assignment.]

Section 56-9-45 - [Prior liens not affected.]

Section 56-9-46 - [Attachment not to issue after assignment.]

Section 56-9-47 - [Preferences inure to benefit of all creditors alike.]

Section 56-9-48 - [Discharge; application by assignee; notice; contents of petition.]

Section 56-9-49 - [Hearing and determination of application for discharge.]

Section 56-9-50 - [Appeals from final judgment.]

Section 56-9-51 - [Bad or doubtful debts; sale or compromise; release of rights; report; notice; objections.]

Section 56-9-52 - [Compensation of assignee and counsel.]

Section 56-9-53 - [Compensation of assignee as counsel.]

Section 56-9-54 - [Permission to assign moneys due from state or subdivision; procedure and limitations.]

Section 56-9-55 - [Written notices of assignment required.]