2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 3 - Occupational Disease Disablement
Section 52-3-47 - Fee restrictions; appointment of attorneys by the director or workers' compensation judge; discovery costs; offer of judgment; penalty for violations.

A. It is unlawful for any person to receive or agree to receive any fees or payment directly or indirectly in connection with any claim for compensation under the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law except as provided in this section.
B. In all cases where the jurisdiction of the workers' compensation administration is invoked to approve a settlement of a compensation claim under the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law, the director or workers' compensation judge, unless the claimant is represented by an attorney, may in the director's or judge's discretion appoint an attorney to aid the workers' compensation judge in determining whether the settlement should be approved. In the event of such an appointment, a reasonable fee for the services of the attorney shall be fixed by the workers' compensation judge, subject to the limitation of Subsection I of this section.
C. In all cases where the jurisdiction of the workers' compensation administration is invoked to approve a settlement of a compensation claim under the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law and the claimant is represented by an attorney, the total amount paid or to be paid by the employer in settlement of the claim shall be stated in the settlement papers, and the workers' compensation judge shall determine and fix a reasonable fee for the claimant's attorney, taking into account any sum previously paid. The fee fixed by the workers' compensation judge shall be the limit of the fee received or to be received by the attorney in connection with the claim, subject to the limitation of Subsection I of this section.
D. The cost of discovery shall be borne by the party who requests it. If, however, the claimant requests any discovery, the employer shall advance the cost of paying for discovery up to a limit of three thousand dollars ($3,000). If the claimant substantially prevails on the claim, as determined by a workers' compensation judge, any discovery cost advanced by the employer shall be paid by that employer. If the claimant does not substantially prevail on the claim, as determined by a workers' compensation judge, the employer shall be reimbursed for discovery costs advanced according to a schedule for reimbursement approved by a workers' compensation judge.
E. In all cases where compensation to which any person is entitled under the provisions of the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law is refused and the claimant thereafter collects compensation through proceedings before the workers' compensation administration or courts in an amount in excess of the amount offered in writing by an employer five business days or more prior to the informal hearing before the administration, the compensation to be paid the attorney for the claimant shall be fixed by the workers' compensation judge hearing the claim or the courts upon appeal in the amount the workers' compensation judge or courts deem reasonable and proper, subject to the limitation of Subsection I of this section. In determining and fixing a reasonable fee, the workers' compensation judge or courts shall take into consideration:
(1) the sum, if any, offered by the employer:
(a) before the employee's attorney was employed;
(b) after the attorney's employment but before proceedings were commenced; and
(c) in writing five business days or more prior to the informal hearing;
(2) the present value of the award made in the employee's favor; and
(3) the failure of a party to participate in a good-faith manner in informal claim resolution methods adopted by the director.
F. After a recommended resolution has been issued and rejected, but more than ten days before a trial begins, the employer or claimant may serve upon the opposing party an offer to allow a compensation order to be taken against the employer or claimant for the money or property or to the effect specified in the offer, with costs then accrued, subject to the following:
(1) if, within ten days after the service of the offer, the opposing party serves written notice that the offer is accepted, either party may then file the offer and notice of acceptance together with proof of service thereof, and thereupon that compensation order may be entered as the workers' compensation judge may direct. An offer not accepted shall be deemed withdrawn, and evidence thereof is not admissible except in a proceeding to determine costs. If the compensation order finally obtained by the party is not more favorable than the offer, that party shall pay the costs incurred by the opposing party after the making of the offer. The fact that an offer has been made but not accepted does not preclude a subsequent offer;
(2) when the liability of one party to another has been determined by a compensation order, but the amount or extent of the liability remains to be determined by further proceedings, the party adjudged liable may make an offer, which shall have the same effect as an offer made before trial if it is served within a reasonable time not less than ten days prior to the commencement of hearings to determine the amount or extent of liability;
(3) if the employer's offer was greater than the amount awarded by the compensation order, the employer shall not be liable for the employer's fifty-percent share of the attorney fees to be paid the worker's attorney and the worker shall pay one hundred percent of the attorney fees due to the worker's attorney; and
(4) if the worker's offer was less than the amount awarded by the compensation order, the employer shall pay one hundred percent of the attorney fees to be paid the worker's attorney, and the worker shall be relieved from any responsibility for paying any portion of the worker's attorney fees.
G. In all actions arising under the provisions of Section 52-3-35 NMSA 1978, where the jurisdiction of the workers' compensation administration is invoked to determine the question of whether the claimant's disablement has terminated and the claimant is represented by an attorney, the workers' compensation judge or courts upon appeal shall determine and fix a reasonable fee for the services of the claimant's attorney only if the employer is unsuccessful in establishing that the claimant's disablement has terminated. The fee when fixed by the workers' compensation judge or courts upon appeal shall be taxed as part of the costs against the employer and shall be the limit of the fee received or to be received by the attorney for services in the action, subject to the limitation of Subsection I of this section.
H. In determining reasonable attorney fees for a claimant, the workers' compensation judge shall consider only those benefits to the employee that the attorney is responsible for securing. The value of future medical benefits shall not be considered in determining attorney fees.
I. Attorney fees, including, but not limited to, the costs of paralegal services, legal clerk services and any other related legal services costs on behalf of a claimant or an employer for a single disablement claim, including representation before the workers' compensation administration and the courts on appeal, shall not exceed twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($22,500). This limitation applies whether the claimant or employer has one or more attorneys representing the claimant or employer and applies as a cumulative limitation on compensation for all legal services rendered in all proceedings and other matters directly related to a single occupational disease of a claimant. The workers' compensation judge may exceed the maximum amount stated in this subsection in awarding a reasonable attorney fee if the judge finds that a claimant, an insurer or an employer acted in bad faith with regard to handling the disabled employee's claims and the employer or disabled employee has suffered economic loss as a result thereof. However, in no case shall this additional amount exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). As used in this subsection, "bad faith" means conduct by the claimant, insurer or employer in the handling of a claim that amounts to fraud, malice, oppression or willful, wanton or reckless disregard of the rights of the employee or employer. Any determination of bad faith shall be made by the workers' compensation judge through a separate fact-finding proceeding. Not withstanding the provisions of Subsection J of this section, the party found to have acted in bad faith shall pay one hundred percent of the additional fees awarded for representation of the prevailing party in a bad faith action.
J. Except as provided in Paragraphs (3) and (4) of Subsection F of this section, the payment of a claimant's attorney fees determined under this section shall be shared equally by the employee and the employer.
K. It is unlawful for any person except a licensed attorney to receive or agree to receive any fee or payment for legal services in connection with any claim for compensation under the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law.
L. Nothing in this section applies to agents, excluding attorneys, representing employers, insurance carriers or the subsequent injury fund in any matter arising from a claim under the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law.
M. No attorney fees shall be paid until the claim has been settled or adjudged.
N. Every person violating the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) or more than five hundred dollars ($500), to which may be added imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding ninety days.
O. Nothing in this section shall restrict a claimant from being represented before the workers' compensation administration by a nonattorney as long as that nonattorney receives no compensation for representation from the claimant.
History: 1978 Comp., § 52-3-47, enacted by Laws 1987, ch. 235, § 41; 1989, ch. 263, § 65; 1990 (2nd S.S.), ch. 2, § 39; 1993, ch. 193, § 7; 2013, ch. 168, § 2.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1987, ch. 235, § 41 repealed former 52-3-47 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1986, ch. 22, § 67 and enacted a new 52-3-47 NMSA 1978, effective June 19, 1987.
Compiler's notes. — Laws 1987, ch. 235, § 54A, effective June 19, 1987, repealed Laws 1986, ch. 22, § 105 which had formerly repealed this section effective July 1, 1987.
The 2013 amendment, effective June 14, 2013, raised the limits for discovery costs; raised the limits for attorney fees; and in Subsection I, in the second sentence, after "up to a limit of", deleted "one thousand dollars ($1,000)" and added "three thousand dollars ($3,000)"; and in Subsection I, in the first sentence, after "shall not exceed", deleted "twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500)" and added "twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($22,500)", in the fourth sentence, after "additional amount exceed", deleted "two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500)" and added "five thousand dollars ($5,000)", and added the seventh sentence.
The 1993 amendment, effective June 18, 1993, substituted "discovery" for "deposition" in the catchline; made a minor stylistic change in Subsection C; in Subsection F(3), substituted "worker's" for "claimant's" and added "and the worker shall pay one hundred percent of the attorneys' fees due to the worker's attorney" at the end; in Subsection F(4), substituted "worker's" for "employer's" preceding "offer", "worker's" for "claimant's" preceding "attorney", "worker" for "claimant", and "the worker's" for "his attorneys' " preceding "fees"; deleted "Except for attorneys' fees incurred by an agency of the state or any political subdivsion of the state" at the beginning of Subsection M; and made a minor stylistic change in Subsection O.
The 1990 (2nd S.S.) amendment, effective January 1, 1991, inserted "deposition costs; offer of judgment" in the catchline and rewrote the section to the extent that a detailed comparison would be impracticable.
An award of an attorney's fee is authorized in each case, and the award is for an amount the trial court deems reasonable and proper. The amount awarded will not be disturbed except for an abuse of discretion. Salazar v. Kaiser Steel Corp., 1973-NMCA-068, 85 N.M. 254, 511 P.2d 580, cert. denied, 85 N.M. 229, 511 P.2d 555.
No abuse of discretion. — Where the attorney's fee award is approximately 18% of the only showing as to the present value of the judgment and less than 16% of the total amount of the judgment, this court cannot say the trial court abused its discretion. Salazar v. Kaiser Steel Corp., 1973-NMCA-068, 85 N.M. 254, 511 P.2d 580, cert. denied, 85 N.M. 229, 511 P.2d 555.
Where the issues were hard fought and well tried and included exclusive medical testimony on the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, the tests used in reaching that diagnosis, as well as the method used in conducting the tests and the court found difficult legal considerations applying to each of the issues, an award of 18% of the present value of the judgment was not an abuse of discretion. Salazar v. Kaiser Steel Corp., 1973-NMCA-068, 85 N.M. 254, 511 P.2d 580, cert. denied, 85 N.M. 229, 511 P.2d 555.
Neither does the fact that the union aided the plaintiffs in matters preliminary to suit or the fact of similar pleadings and issues, depositions applicable to all four cases, combined hearings on motions, pretrial and trial, show, as a matter of law, that the trial court abused its discretion in setting the amount of attorney's fees at 18% of the present value of the judgment. Salazar v. Kaiser Steel Corp., 1973-NMCA-068, 85 N.M. 254, 511 P.2d 580, cert. denied, 85 N.M. 229, 511 P.2d 555.
Reasonable attorney's fee on appeal. — Seven hundred and fifty dollars is fixed as a reasonable attorney's fee for cost on appeal under Occupational Disease Disablement Law. Holman v. Oriental Refinery, 1965-NMSC-029, 75 N.M. 52, 400 P.2d 471.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 82 Am. Jur. 2d Workers' Compensation §§ 724, 726.
101 C.J.S. Workmen's Compensation §§ 817 to 822.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 52 - Workers' Compensation

Article 3 - Occupational Disease Disablement

Section 52-3-1 - Name of act.

Section 52-3-2 - Employers who come within the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law.

Section 52-3-3 - Definitions; employee and lessee in mines.

Section 52-3-3.1 - Recompiled.

Section 52-3-4 - Definitions.

Section 52-3-5 - Acceptance.

Section 52-3-6 - Application of provisions of the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law to certain corporations' employees.

Section 52-3-7 - Defenses to action by employee.

Section 52-3-8 - Right to compensation; exclusive when.

Section 52-3-9 - Filing insurance under the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law.

Section 52-3-9.1 - Repealed.

Section 52-3-9.2 - Destruction of policies, bonds and undertakings.

Section 52-3-9.3 - Repealed.

Section 52-3-10 - Employer liability for compensation; conditions when no payment to be made.

Section 52-3-11 - Last employer liable; exception.

Section 52-3-12 - Not applicable in certain cases.

Section 52-3-13 - Dependents defined; determination of.

Section 52-3-14 - Compensation; limitations.

Section 52-3-15 - Disablement compensation restrictions; medical and related services; selection of health care provider; artificial members.

Section 52-3-16 - Claim to be filed for occupational disease disablement benefits; effect of failure to give required notice or to file claim within time allowed.

Section 52-3-17 - Vocational rehabilitation services.

Section 52-3-18 - Determination by worker's compensation division of the labor department.

Section 52-3-19 - Notice of disablement to employer; employer to post clear notice of requirement.

Section 52-3-20 - Payment of benefits in installments.

Section 52-3-21 to 52-3-24 - Repealed.

Section 52-3-25 - Effect of failure of worker to file claim by reason of conduct of employer.

Section 52-3-26 to 52-3-30 - Repealed.

Section 52-3-31 - Repealed.

Section 52-3-32 - Occupational diseases; proximate causation.

Section 52-3-32.1 - Firefighter occupational conditions.

Section 52-3-33 - Occupational diseases; definition.

Section 52-3-34 - When complicated with other diseases; payments.

Section 52-3-35 - Termination of compensation; reopening award; time; limits.

Section 52-3-36 - Conversion to lump-sum payment.

Section 52-3-37 - Compensation exempt from execution.

Section 52-3-38 - Minor deemed sui juris.

Section 52-3-39 - Physical examinations of worker; independent medical examination; unsanitary or injurious practices by worker; testimony of health care providers.

Section 52-3-40 - Autopsy in death claims.

Section 52-3-41 - Absence; employee to give notices of.

Section 52-3-42 - Limitation on filing of claims; rights barred unless timely filed.

Section 52-3-43 - When occupational disease aggravated by other diseases.

Section 52-3-44 - No liability prior to effective date.

Section 52-3-45 - Employees [Employee's] willful misconduct, willful self-exposure; defined.

Section 52-3-45.1 - Unfair claim-processing practices; bad faith.

Section 52-3-45.2 - Retaliation against employee seeking benefits; civil penalty.

Section 52-3-45.3 - False statements or representations with regard to physical condition; forfeiture.

Section 52-3-45.4 - Compensation benefits limit.

Section 52-3-46 - Compensation limited to Occupational Disease Disablement Law; not additional to that provided for accidents.

Section 52-3-47 - Fee restrictions; appointment of attorneys by the director or workers' compensation judge; discovery costs; offer of judgment; penalty for violations.

Section 52-3-48 - Employee to submit to examination and give information regarding self.

Section 52-3-49 - Rights and liabilities of employer and employee after award; penalty for failure to file undertaking or become exempt therefrom.

Section 52-3-49.1 - Rehiring of disabled workers.

Section 52-3-50 - Effect of failure of employee to file claim by reason of conduct of employer.

Section 52-3-51 - Reports to be filed with director.

Section 52-3-52 - Notice to director.

Section 52-3-53 - Penalties.

Section 52-3-54 - Director to enforce the New Mexico Occupational Disease Disablement Law.

Section 52-3-55 - Extraterritorial coverage.

Section 52-3-56 - Credit for benefits furnished or paid under laws of other jurisdictions.

Section 52-3-57 - Nonresident employers employing workers in state; requirement for insurance; enforcement.

Section 52-3-58 - Locale of employment.

Section 52-3-59 - Reciprocal recognition of extra-territorial coverage with other jurisdictions.

Section 52-3-60 - Offset of unemployment compensation benefits.