2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Workers' Compensation
Section 52-1-28.1 - Unfair claim-processing practices; bad faith.

A. Claims may be filed under the Workers' Compensation Act alleging unfair claim-processing practices or bad faith by an employer, insurer or claim-processing representative relating to any aspect of the Workers' Compensation Act. The director may also investigate allegations of unfair claim processing or bad faith on his own initiative.
B. If unfair claim processing or bad faith has occurred in the handling of a particular claim, the claimant shall be awarded, in addition to any benefits due and owing, a benefit penalty not to exceed twenty-five percent of the benefit amount ordered to be paid.
C. If an employer, insurer or claim-processing representative has a history or pattern of repeated unfair claim-processing practices or bad faith, the director or a workers' compensation judge may impose a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each violation. The civil penalty shall be deposited in the workers' compensation administration fund.
D. Any person aggrieved by an order under this section may request a hearing pursuant to the Workers' Compensation Act.
E. The director shall adopt by regulation definitions of unfair claim-processing practices and bad faith.
F. This section shall not be construed as limiting or interfering with the authority of the superintendent of insurance as provided by law to regulate any insurer, including his jurisdiction over unfair claim settlement practices.
History: Laws 1990 (2nd S.S.), ch. 2, § 29.
Effective dates. — Laws 1990 (2nd S.S.), ch. 2, § 153 Laws 1990 (2nd S.S.), ch. 2, § 29 effective January 1, 1991.
Jurisdiction to order Indian employer to rehire a worker. — Where the worker filed a claim for an occupational injury against a casino that was owned and operated by a tribal corporation; the tribal corporation waived sovereign immunity; the workers' compensation judge filed an opinion which awarded benefits to the worker; after the opinion of the workers' compensation judge was filed, a separate tribal commission revoked the gaming license that the worker was required to possess to perform the worker's employment duties; the tribal commission was unwilling to reissue the gaming license resulting in the termination of the worker's employment with the casino; the tribal commission did not waive sovereign immunity; and the workers' compensation judge determined that the worker had been wrongfully terminated in retaliation for filing the occupational injury claim, the workers' compensation judge had authority to order the tribal corporation to rehire the worker at a position of employment that was substantially equivalent to the position the worker formerly held in terms of pay and benefits. Martinez v. Cities of Gold Casino, 2009-NMCA-087, 146 N.M. 735, 215 P.3d 44, cert. denied, 2009-NMCERT-007, 147 N.M. 361, 223 P.3d 358.
Section does not create new duty or right. — This section is not substantive in nature; it does not create a new duty, right, or obligation under the law. Instead, it proscribes a method of obtaining redress and is procedural or remedial; it should be applied retroactively to accrued cases not filed and pending at the time of enactment. Cruz v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 1995-NMSC-006, 119 N.M. 301, 889 P.2d 1223.
Exclusivity of remedy. — This section's remedy for bad faith in processing a workers' compensation claim is exclusive. Martin-Martinez v. 6001, Inc., 1998-NMCA-179, 126 N.M. 319, 968 P.2d 1182, cert. denied, 126 N.M. 532, 972 P.2d 351.
Section provides adequate remedy. — This section provides an adequate remedy; although the penalty may not be a great amount when the amount of the claim is small, it provides sufficient deterrence to prevent an insurer from denying benefits in bad faith and enforces the public policy against the bad-faith handling of workers' compensation claims. Cruz v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 1995-NMSC-006, 119 N.M. 301, 889 P.2d 1223.
Exclusive and adequate remedy. — By enacting 52-1-28.1 NMSA 1978, the legislature brought all workers' bad faith claims under the Workers' Compensation Act's exclusivity provision and abrogated workers' rights to file bad faith actions in district court, and the twenty-five percent penalty amount provides sufficient deterrence to prevent an insurer from denying benefits in bad faith and enforces the public policy against the bad faith handling of workers' compensation claims. Worker's claims were properly denied where he argued that he should be allowed a private right of action for bad faith in district court, that the benefit penalty allowed by this section is insufficient to deter bad faith, and that the cost of successfully pursuing such claims exceeds the available benefit penalty. Romero v. Laidlaw Transit Servs., Inc., 2015-NMCA-107, cert. granted, 2015-NMCERT-009.
The term "benefit amount" in Subsection B does not include the value of future medical benefits nor attorney fees. Meyers v. W. Auto, 2002-NMCA-089, 132 N.M. 675, 54 P.3d 79, cert. denied, 132 N.M. 551, 52 P.3d 411.
Claim for rehire. — There is no difference between a claim for benefits and a claim for rehire. Both are claims under the Workers' Compensation Act and both can be improperly handled, leading to a claim of unfair claims processing. Lucero v. City of Albuquerque, 2002-NMCA-034, 132 N.M. 1, 43 P.3d 352, cert. quashed, 133 N.M. 30, 59 P.3d 1262.
Law reviews. — For survey of 1990-91 workers' compensation law, see 22 N.M.L. Rev. 845 (1992).

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 52 - Workers' Compensation

Article 1 - Workers' Compensation

Section 52-1-1 - Short title.

Section 52-1-1.1 - Definitions.

Section 52-1-1.2 - Advisory council on workers' compensation and occupational disease disablement; functions and duties; independent medical examinations committee.

Section 52-1-2 - Employers who come within act.

Section 52-1-3 - Workers' compensation coverage; coverage by state agencies.

Section 52-1-3.1 - Public employee.

Section 52-1-4 - Filing certificate of insurance coverage or other evidence of coverage with workers' compensation administration; exemptions from requirement.

Section 52-1-4.1 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-4.2 - Controlled insurance plan; penalty.

Section 52-1-5 - Destruction of policies, bonds and undertakings.

Section 52-1-6 - Application of provisions of act.

Section 52-1-6.1 - Worker's compensation; definition.

Section 52-1-6.2 - Safety programs; inspections; penalties; bonuses.

Section 52-1-7 - Application of provisions of act to certain executive employees or sole proprietors.

Section 52-1-8 - Defenses to action by employee.

Section 52-1-9 - Right to compensation; exclusive.

Section 52-1-9.1 - Uninsured employers' fund; workers' compensation administration; additional duties.

Section 52-1-10 - Increase or reduction in compensation based on failure of employer to provide or failure of employee to use safety devices.

Section 52-1-10.1 - Allocation of fault; reimbursement.

Section 52-1-11 - Injuries caused by the willfulness or intention of worker are noncompensable.

Section 52-1-12 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-12.1 - Reduction in compensation when alcohol or drugs contribute to injury or death; exceptions.

Section 52-1-13 - Termination of agreements.

Section 52-1-14 - [Interstate commerce not subject to state legislation exempted.]

Section 52-1-15 - Employer.

Section 52-1-16 - Worker; real estate salesperson excepted.

Section 52-1-17 - Dependents.

Section 52-1-18 - Child.

Section 52-1-19 - Injury by accident; course of employment.

Section 52-1-20 - Determination of average weekly wage.

Section 52-1-21 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-22 - Work not casual employment.

Section 52-1-23 - Contractor becoming employer in casual employment.

Section 52-1-24 - Impairment; definition.

Section 52-1-24.1 - Date of maximum medical improvement.

Section 52-1-25 - Permanent total disability.

Section 52-1-25.1 - Temporary total disability; return to work.

Section 52-1-26 - Permanent partial disability.

Section 52-1-26.1 - Partial disability determination; calculation of modifications.

Section 52-1-26.2 - Partial disability determination; age modification.

Section 52-1-26.3 - Partial disability determination; education modification.

Section 52-1-26.4 - Partial disability determination; physical capacity modification.

Section 52-1-27 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-28 - Compensable claims; proof.

Section 52-1-28.1 - Unfair claim-processing practices; bad faith.

Section 52-1-28.2 - Retaliation against employee seeking benefits; civil penalty.

Section 52-1-28.3 - False statements or representations with regard to physical condition; forfeiture.

Section 52-1-29 - Notice of accident to employer; employer to post clear notice of requirement.

Section 52-1-30 - Payment of compensation benefits; installments.

Section 52-1-31 - Claim to be filed for workers' compensation; effect of failure to give required notice or to file claim within time allowed.

Section 52-1-32 to 52-1-35 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-36 - Effect of failure of worker to file claim by reason of conduct of employer.

Section 52-1-37 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-38 - Judgment; provisions; execution; subrogation; contempts.

Section 52-1-39 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-40 - Waiting period.

Section 52-1-41 - Compensation benefits; total disability.

Section 52-1-42 - Compensation benefits; permanent partial disability; maximum duration of benefits.

Section 52-1-43 - Compensation benefits; injury to specific body members.

Section 52-1-44 - Compensation benefits; facial disfigurement.

Section 52-1-45 - Compensation benefits; hernia; proof of claim; failure to be operated [upon]; examination; medical care.

Section 52-1-46 - Compensation benefits for death.

Section 52-1-47 - Limitations on compensation benefits.

Section 52-1-47.1 - Compensation benefits limit.

Section 52-1-48 - Additional limitation on benefits.

Section 52-1-49 - Medical and related benefits; selection of health care provider; artificial members.

Section 52-1-50 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-50.1 - Rehiring of injured workers.

Section 52-1-51 - Physical examinations of worker; independent medical examination; unsanitary or injurious practices by worker; testimony of health care providers.

Section 52-1-52 - Exemption from creditors.

Section 52-1-53 - [Accident prevention laws not affected.]

Section 52-1-54 - Fee restrictions; appointment of attorneys by the director or workers' compensation judge; discovery costs; offer of judgment; penalty for violations.

Section 52-1-55 - Physical examinations; statements regarding dependents; pre-employment physical condition statements.

Section 52-1-56 - Diminution; termination or increase of compensation.

Section 52-1-57 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-58 - Reports to be filed with director.

Section 52-1-59 - Effect of failure to file report.

Section 52-1-60 - Notice to director of date of payment.

Section 52-1-61 - Penalties.

Section 52-1-62 - Director to enforce Workers' Compensation Act.

Section 52-1-63 - Educational institutions exempt.

Section 52-1-64 - Extra-territorial coverage.

Section 52-1-65 - Credit for benefits furnished or paid under laws of other jurisdictions.

Section 52-1-66 - Nonresident employers employing workers in state; requirement for insurance; enforcement.

Section 52-1-67 - Locale of employment; definitions.

Section 52-1-68 - Reciprocal recognition of extra-territorial coverage with other jurisdictions.

Section 52-1-69 - Repealed.

Section 52-1-70 - Offset of unemployment compensation benefits.