2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Unemployment Compensation
Section 51-1-12 - Penalty; late payment of contributions.

The rate of contribution of an employer shall in no case be raised as a penalty for, or as a result of, the late filing of any notice, report or payment of contributions required under Section 51-1-9 NMSA 1978 or any regulations promulgated thereunder. Effective as to all wages for employment paid on and after July 1, 1965, quarterly wage and contribution reports and contribution payments, if not filed on or before the due date as prescribed by the secretary, shall be subject to the following penalties:
A. if the required report for any calendar quarter is not filed within ten days after due date, a penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) is to be paid by the employer;
B. if the contributions due on such report are not paid in full within ten days after due date, an additional penalty of five percent but not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) is to be paid by the employer on any such contributions remaining unpaid;
C. if any payment required to be made by the Unemployment Compensation Law is attempted to be made by check which is not paid upon presentment, a penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid by the employer; and
D. in no case shall any penalty as herein provided or as imposed by this section prior to June 30, 1965 be assessed for any quarter prior to the six completed calendar quarters immediately preceding the quarter in which the employer shall be determined subject to the Unemployment Compensation Law; and in no case shall a penalty for late reporting or late payment of contribution be imposed if, in the opinion of the secretary, an employer's late reporting, late payment of contribution, or both, was occasioned by circumstances beyond the control of the employer, who in good faith exercised reasonable diligence in an effort to comply with the reporting and contribution payment provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Law.
History: 1953 Comp., § 59-9-7.3, enacted by Laws 1965, ch. 192, § 1; 1979, ch. 280, § 19; 1981, ch. 354, § 7; 1991, ch. 122, § 7.
Repeals and reenactments. — Laws 1965, ch. 192, § 1, repealed former 59-9-7.3, 1953 Comp., relating to penalty and late payment of contribution, and enacted a new 59-9-7.3, 1953 Comp.
The 1991 amendment, effective April 3, 1991, substituted "fifty dollars ($50.00)" for "five dollars ($5.00)" in Subsection A; substituted "twenty-five dollars ($25.00)" for "five dollars ($5.00)" in Subsection B; inserted present Subsection C; redesignated former Subsection C as present Subsection D; and made a related stylistic change.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 81 C.J.S. Social Security and Public Welfare § 205.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 51 - Unemployment Compensation

Article 1 - Unemployment Compensation

Section 51-1-1 - Short title.

Section 51-1-2 - Definitions.

Section 51-1-3 - Declaration of state public policy.

Section 51-1-4 - Monetary computation of benefits; payment generally.

Section 51-1-5 - Benefit eligibility conditions.

Section 51-1-6 - Periods of time not counted in determining eligibility for unemployment compensation.

Section 51-1-7 - Disqualification for benefits.

Section 51-1-8 - Claims for benefits.

Section 51-1-8.1 - Voluntary withholding of federal income tax.

Section 51-1-9 - Contributions; computation; payment.

Section 51-1-10 - Rate of contribution.

Section 51-1-11 - Employer contribution rates; benefits chargeable; unemployment compensation fund adequate reserve; reserve factor; excess claims premium; definitions.

Section 51-1-12 - Penalty; late payment of contributions.

Section 51-1-13 - Financing benefits paid to employees of nonprofit organizations.

Section 51-1-14 - Financing benefits paid to employees of governmental entities.

Section 51-1-15 - Risk management division; payments in lieu of contributions.

Section 51-1-16 - Financing benefits to employees of local public bodies not participating in the local public body unemployment compensation reserve fund.

Section 51-1-17 - Budgets; governmental entities.

Section 51-1-18 - Period, election and termination of employer's coverage.

Section 51-1-19 - Unemployment compensation fund.

Section 51-1-19.1 - Repealed.

Section 51-1-20 - Repealed.

Section 51-1-21 - Seal; report.

Section 51-1-22 - Repealed.

Section 51-1-23 - Publication.

Section 51-1-24 - Repealed.

Section 51-1-25 - Advisory councils.

Section 51-1-26 - Employment stabilization.

Section 51-1-27 - Records and papers.

Section 51-1-28 - Oaths and witnesses.

Section 51-1-29 - Enforcement of subpoenas; penalty.

Section 51-1-30 - Protection against self-incrimination.

Section 51-1-31 - State-federal cooperation.

Section 51-1-32 - Disclosure of information; penalty.

Section 51-1-33 - Employment service.

Section 51-1-34 - Administration funds.

Section 51-1-35 - Reimbursement of fund.

Section 51-1-36 - Collection of contributions.

Section 51-1-37 - Protection of rights and benefits.

Section 51-1-37.1 - Child support obligations.

Section 51-1-37.2 - Food stamp overissuances.

Section 51-1-38 - Penalties; liability for benefit overpayment.

Section 51-1-39 - [Saving clause.]

Section 51-1-40 - Actions for enforcement.

Section 51-1-41 - Nonliability of state.

Section 51-1-42 - Definitions.

Section 51-1-43 - Unemployment compensation; governmental entities.

Section 51-1-44 - Additional definitions.

Section 51-1-45 - State government unemployment compensation reserve fund created; purposes; assessments.

Section 51-1-46 - Local public body unemployment compensation reserve fund created; purposes; assessments.

Section 51-1-47 - Application of the act [Applicability of act to governmental entities].

Section 51-1-48 - Definitions; extended benefits.

Section 51-1-48.1 - Extended benefits; eligibility.

Section 51-1-48.2 - Extended benefits; payments.

Section 51-1-49 - Repealed.

Section 51-1-50 - Reciprocal arrangements.

Section 51-1-51 - Record availability; cooperation.

Section 51-1-52 - Effectiveness of federal act inoperative.

Section 51-1-52.1 - Leasing employer; temporary services employer.

Section 51-1-53 - [Saving clauses.]

Section 51-1-54 - Repealed.

Section 51-1-55 - Res judicata and collateral estoppel prohibition.

Section 51-1-56 - Death reports.

Section 51-1-57 - Amnesty.

Section 51-1-58 - Conformity with federal laws.

Section 51-1-59 - Coverage of Indian tribes.