2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 15 - Tax Increment for Development
Section 5-15-11 - Records; open meetings.

A. A district shall keep the following records, which shall be open to the public:
(1) minutes of all meetings of the district board;
(2) all resolutions;
(3) accounts showing all money received and disbursed;
(4) the annual budget; and
(5) all other records required to be maintained by law.
B. A district board shall appoint a clerk and treasurer for the district.
C. All meetings of a district shall be open meetings held in accordance with the Open Meetings Act [Chapter 10, Article 15 NMSA 1978].
History: Laws 2006, ch. 75, § 11.
Emergency clause. — Laws 2006, ch. 75, § 36 contained an emergency clause and was approved March 6, 2006.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 5 - Municipalities and Counties

Article 15 - Tax Increment for Development

Section 5-15-1 - Short title.

Section 5-15-2 - Findings and purpose.

Section 5-15-3 - Definitions.

Section 5-15-4 - Resolution for formation of a district.

Section 5-15-5 - Contents of tax increment development plan.

Section 5-15-6 - Notice of public hearing.

Section 5-15-7 - Public hearing.

Section 5-15-8 - Formation determination; election.

Section 5-15-8.1 - Posting of notices.

Section 5-15-9 - Formation of a district.

Section 5-15-10 - Governance of the district.

Section 5-15-11 - Records; open meetings.

Section 5-15-12 - District powers; limitations.

Section 5-15-13 - Authority to impose property tax levy.

Section 5-15-14 - Property tax levy rescission election.

Section 5-15-15 - Tax increment financing; gross receipts tax increment to secure bonds.

Section 5-15-15.1 - Filing fee for evaluating use of state gross receipts tax increment.

Section 5-15-16 - Bonding authority; gross receipts tax increment.

Section 5-15-17 - Property tax increment bonds.

Section 5-15-18 - Bonding authority; property tax increment.

Section 5-15-19 - Refunding bonds.

Section 5-15-20 - General bonding authority of a tax increment development district; other limitations.

Section 5-15-20.1 - Debt service reserve account.

Section 5-15-21 - Approval required for issuance of bonds against state gross receipts tax increments.

Section 5-15-22 - Exemption from taxation.

Section 5-15-23 - Protection from impairment.

Section 5-15-24 - Tax increment accounting procedures.

Section 5-15-25 - Modification of tax increment development area boundaries or tax increment development plan.

Section 5-15-25.1 - Base year revision; resolution; comment period; submission of materials.

Section 5-15-25.2 - Base year revision; approval.

Section 5-15-25.3 - Base year revision; effect.

Section 5-15-26 - Termination of tax increment development district.

Section 5-15-27 - Dedication of gross receipts tax increment; notice to taxation and revenue department.

Section 5-15-28 - Bond term expiration.

Section 5-15-29 - Report required.