2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 7B - Condominium Act - Creation, Alteration and Termination of Condominiums
Section 47-7B-6 - Leasehold condominiums.

A. With respect to any condominium created on a leasehold estate, the declaration shall state:
(1) the recording data for the lease, or a copy of the lease shall be attached as an exhibit;
(2) the date on which the lease is scheduled to expire;
(3) a legally sufficient description of the real estate subject to the lease;
(4) any right of the unit owners to redeem the reversion and the manner whereby those rights may be exercised, or a statement that they do not have those rights;
(5) any right of the unit owners to remove any improvements within a reasonable time after the expiration or termination of the lease, or a statement that they do not have those rights; and
(6) any rights of the unit owners to renew the lease and the conditions of any renewal, or a statement that they do not have those rights.
B. Acquisition of the leasehold interest of any unit owner by the owner of the reversion or remainder does not merge the leasehold and fee simple interests.
C. If the expiration or termination of a lease decreases the number of units in a condominium, the allocated interests shall be reallocated in accordance with Subsection A of Section 6 [47-7A-7 NMSA 1978] of the Condominium Act as though those units had been taken by eminent domain. Reallocations shall be confirmed by an amendment to the declaration prepared, executed and recorded by the association.
History: Laws 1982, ch. 27, § 18.
Compiler's notes. — This section is similar to § 2-106 of the Uniform Condominium Act, with the following main exceptions: Subsection A of the state Condominium Act omits the requirement of subsection (a) of the Uniform Condominium Act that the lessor of any lease which upon termination will terminate or reduce the size of the condominium must sign the declaration; subsection (b) of the Uniform Condominium Act is omitted; Subsection B of the state Condominium Act encompasses subsection (c) of the Uniform Condominium Act, with the exception of the last clause of the latter subsection, which provides for merger under certain circumstances.
1. Subsection (a) [Subsection A] requires that the lessor of any lease, which upon termination will terminate the condominium or reduce its size, must sign the declaration. This requirement insures that the lessor has consented to use of his land as a condominium.
2. Subsection (a)(1) [Subsection A(1)] provides alternative bracketed language which should be considered by each state based on its practice. In any state where the recording acts do not specify the essential terms which must be included in a memorandum of lease, either this section should be supplemented to specify the essential terms or else the bracketed language relating to such memoranda should be deleted.
3. This section sets out requirements concerning leasehold condominiums which are not typically contained in the statutes of most states. In particular, it requires that the declaration describe the rights of the unit owners, or state that they have no rights concerning a variety of significant matters. The section also contains a number of other consumer protection provisions. However, in contrast to the result under some states' laws, unit owners have no statutory right to renewal of a lease upon termination.
4. The most significant matter of consumer protection in this section is subsection (b), which provides that unit owners who pay their share of the rent of the underlying lease may not be deprived of their enjoyment of the leasehold premises.
Subsection (b) is intended to protect the "unit owner" regardless of whether he is a lessee, sublessee or even further down in a chain of transfer of leasehold interests. Thus, for example, if the "unit owner" is a sublessee, the term "lessor (or) his successor in interest" includes not only the lessor, but also the lessee.
Subsection (b) further protects the unit owner by assuring that he will not share with his fellow unit owners any collective obligation toward their common lessor. All obligations are instead fractionalized so that no unit owner can be made liable or otherwise penalized for a default by any of his fellows. Thus, a default by the association in payment of the rent due the lessor, in a case where the lease of common elements ran to the association, would not permit the lessor to terminate continued use of those common elements by those unit owners who then pay their share of the rent.
5. Subsection (d) [Subsection C] considers the problems created when termination of a lease reduces the size of a condominium. In the event that some units are thereby withdrawn from the condominium, reallocation of the allocated interests would be required; the section describes how that reallocation would occur.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 15A Am. Jur. 2d Condominiums and Cooperative Apartments §§ 13, 18.
31 C.J.S. Estates § 153 et seq.