2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 6 - County Subdivisions
Section 47-6-15 - Appeals.

A. A party who is or may be adversely affected by a decision of a delegate of the board of county commissioners shall appeal the delegate's decision to the board of county commissioners within thirty days of the date of the delegate's decision. The board of county commissioners shall hear the appeal and shall render a decision within thirty days of the date the board receives notice of the appeal. Thereafter, the procedure for appealing the decision of the board of county commissioners set out in Subsection B of this section shall apply.
B. A party who is or may be adversely affected by a decision of the board of county commissioners may appeal to the district court pursuant to the provisions of Section 39-3-1.1 NMSA 1978.
History: 1953 Comp., § 70-5-15, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 348, § 15; 1995, ch. 212, § 16; 1998, ch. 55, § 46; 1999, ch. 265, § 48; 2005, ch. 139, § 3.
Cross references. — For procedures governing administrative appeals to the district court, see Rule 1-074 NMRA.
The 2005 amendment, effective June 17, 2005, deleted the former qualification in Subsections A and B that appeals are from approving or disapproving a plat.
The 1999 amendment, effective July 1, 1999, substituted "Section 39-3-1.1" for "Section 12-8A-1" in Subsection B.
The 1998 amendment, effective September 1, 1998, rewrote this section to the extent that a detailed comparison is impracticable.
The 1995 amendment, effective July 1, 1996, deleted "or its delegate" following "commissioners" in Subsection A and in the introductory paragraph of Subsection C; substituted "preliminary or final plat" for "subdivision plat" in Subsection A; and added Subsection E.
A county's approval or disapproval of a preliminary plat is a final, appealable decision for purposes of Section 47-6-15 NMSA 1978. Zuni Indian Tribe v. McKinley Cnty. Bd. of Cnty. Comm'rs, 2013-NMCA-041, 300 P.3d 133.
A county's decision on a preliminary plat is appealable. — Where the county disapproved the applicant's preliminary plat in the form of a written resolution which incorporated the final findings and recommendations of the county planning commission; the resolution followed input by state agencies and other interested parties and public hearings before the planning commission; interested parties submitted proposed findings and recommendations after the hearings; and the findings and recommendations adopted by the county commission included important aspects of the subdivision development and review process, such as water availability, waste disposal and access, given the nature of the county commission's resolution and the procedural history that preceded its passage, the county commission's resolution constituted a "decision" under Section 47-6-15 NMSA 1978 and was appealable. Zuni Indian Tribe v. McKinley Cnty. Bd. of Cnty. Comm'rs, 2013-NMCA-041, 300 P.3d 133.
A timely filed appeal from a decision on a preliminary plat application is not rendered moot by the county's decision to approve the final subdivision plat application during the pendency of the appeal. Zuni Indian Tribe v. McKinley Cnty. Bd. of Cnty. Comm'rs, 2013-NMCA-041, 300 P.3d 133.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 83 Am. Jur. 2d Zoning and Planning § 1026.
62 C.J.S. Municipal Corporations § 228(4).

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 47 - Property Law

Article 6 - County Subdivisions

Section 47-6-1 - Short title.

Section 47-6-2 - Definitions.

Section 47-6-3 - Final plat; description.

Section 47-6-4 - Final plat acknowledgment; affidavit.

Section 47-6-5 - Dedication for public use; maintenance.

Section 47-6-6 - Filing with county clerk; duties of county clerk.

Section 47-6-7 - Vacation of plats; approval; duties of county clerk; effect.

Section 47-6-8 - Requirements prior to sale, lease or other conveyance.

Section 47-6-9 - Subdivision regulation; county authority.

Section 47-6-9.1 - Merger of contiguous parcels; prohibition.

Section 47-6-10 - County subdivision regulations; hearings; appeal.

Section 47-6-11 - Preliminary plat approval; summary review.

Section 47-6-11.1 - Expiration of preliminary plat.

Section 47-6-11.2 - Water permit required for final plat approval.

Section 47-6-11.3 - Approval of final plats.

Section 47-6-11.4 - Plat approval; proof of adequate water supply on lands from which irrigation water rights have been severed.

Section 47-6-13 - Repealed.

Section 47-6-14 - Public hearings on preliminary plats.

Section 47-6-15 - Appeals.

Section 47-6-16 - Succeeding subdivisions.

Section 47-6-17 - Disclosure.

Section 47-6-18 - Advertising standards.

Section 47-6-19 - Road development.

Section 47-6-20 - Public agencies required to provide counties with information.

Section 47-6-21 - Information reports.

Section 47-6-22 - Time limit on administrative action.

Section 47-6-23 - Right of inspection; rescission.

Section 47-6-24 - Schedule of compliance.

Section 47-6-25 - Suspension of right of sale.

Section 47-6-25.1 - Attorney general; district attorneys; investigation.

Section 47-6-26 - Injunctive relief; mandamus.

Section 47-6-27 - Criminal penalties.

Section 47-6-27.1 - Private remedies.

Section 47-6-27.2 - Approval necessary for utility connection.

Section 47-6-28 - Use of fees.

Section 47-6-29 - Jurisdiction.