Repeals. — Laws 1978, ch. 154, § 1, repealed 46-12-6, 1953 Comp. (43-2-7 NMSA 1978), relating to the chief of the division.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 43 - Commitment Procedures
Article 2 - Alcoholics and Intoxicated Persons; Detoxification
Section 43-2-1.1 - Short title.
Section 43-2-3 - Policy of state regarding substance abuse.
Section 43-2-4 - Adoption and enforcement of laws by a politcal [political] subdivision.
Section 43-2-5 - Duties of the department.
Section 43-2-8 - Protective custody.
Section 43-2-11 - Voluntary clients.
Section 43-2-12 - Assistance upon request.
Section 43-2-14 - Costs of commitment and support.
Section 43-2-19 - Peace officer or public service officer; no liability.
Section 43-2-20 - Notification of family.