2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Section 43-1-6 - Personal rights of residential clients.

All clients who receive residential treatment or habilitation services shall have the rights provided in this section.
A. Subject to restrictions by a physician for good cause, each resident client has the right to receive visitors of his own choosing daily. Hours during which visitors may be received shall be limited only in the interest of effective treatment and the reasonable efficiency of the supervised residential facility and shall be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the individual needs of the resident client and his visitors. Notwithstanding the above, each resident client has the right to receive visits from his attorney, physician, psychologist, clergyman or social worker in private at any reasonable time, irrespective of visiting hours, provided the visitor shows reasonable cause for visiting at times other than normal visiting hours.
B. Writing material and postage stamps shall be reasonably available for the resident clients' use in writing letters and other communications. Reasonable assistance shall be provided for writing, addressing and posting letters and other documents upon request. The resident client has the right to send and receive sealed and uncensored mail. The resident client has the right to reasonable private access to telephones and, in cases of personal emergencies when other means of communication are not satisfactory, he shall be afforded reasonable use of long distance calls. Provided that for other than mail or telephone calls to a court or an attorney, a physician or certified psychologist may, for good cause, restrict mailing or telephone privileges. A resident client who is indigent shall be furnished such writing, postage and telephone facilities without charge.
C. Each resident client has the right to follow or abstain from the practice of religion. The supervised residential facility shall provide appropriate assistance in this connection including reasonable accommodations for religious worship and transportation to nearby religious services. Clients who do not wish to participate in religious practice shall be free from pressure to do so or to accept religious beliefs.
D. Each resident client has the right to a humane psychological and physical environment. He shall be provided a comfortable bed and adequate changes of linen and reasonable storage space for his personal possessions. Except when curtailed for reason of safety or therapy as documented in his record by his physician, he shall be afforded reasonable privacy in his sleeping and personal hygiene practices.
E. Each resident client shall have reasonable daily opportunities for physical exercise and outdoor exercise and shall have reasonable access to recreational areas and equipment.
F. Each resident client has the right to a nourishing, well-balanced, varied and appetizing diet.
G. Each resident client has the right to prompt and adequate medical attention for any physical ailments and shall receive a complete physical examination upon admission and at least once every twelve months thereafter; provided, however, that clients who have received a complete physical examination within two days prior to the current admission shall not receive a complete physical examination unless the physician deems it necessary.
H. All resident clients have the right to a clean, safe, comfortable environment in a structure which complies with generally applicable fire safety requirements.
I. All resident clients have a right to be free from unnecessary or excessive medication. No medication shall be administered unless at the written order of a licensed physician or by a verbal order, noted promptly in the patient's medical record and signed by the physician within twenty-four hours. Medication shall be administered only by a licensed physician, registered nurse or licensed practical nurse or by a medical or nursing student under the direct supervision of a licensed physician or registered nurse. The attending physician shall be responsible for all medication given or administered to a resident client. Notation of each individual's medication shall be kept in his medical records and shall include a notation by the physician of the behavioral or symptomatic baseline data upon which the medication order was made. The attending physician shall review on a regular basis the drug regimen of each resident client under his care. All prescriptions for psychotropic medications shall be written with a termination date which shall not exceed thirty days. Medication shall not be used as a punishment, for the convenience of staff, as a substitute for programs or in quantities that interfere with the client's treatment or habilitation program.
History: 1953 Comp., § 34-2A-5, enacted by Laws 1977, ch. 279, § 5; 1978, ch. 161, § 3; 1989, ch. 128, § 4.
The 1989 amendment, effective June 16, 1989, substituted "client has" for "client shall have" throughout the section, inserted "or certified psychologist" in the fifth sentence of Subsection B, and substituted "twelve months" for "six months" in Subsection G.
Law reviews. — For article, "Treating Children Under the New Mexico Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code," see 10 N.M.L. Rev. 279 (1980).
For comment, "Mental Health Law - Temporary Detention of 'Voluntary' Patients by Hospital Authorities: Due Process Issues," see 12 N.M.L. Rev. 791 (1982).
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Nonconsensual treatment of involuntarily committed mentally ill persons with neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs as violative of state constitutional guaranty, 74 A.L.R.4th 1099.
Right of state prison authorities to administer neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs to prisoner without his or her consent - state cases, 75 A.L.R.4th 1124.
Validity, construction, application and effect of Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act, 42 USCS §§ 1997-1997j, 93 A.L.R. Fed. 706.