2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Dissolution of Marriage
Section 40-4-11.4 - Modification of child support orders; exchange of financial information.

A. A court may modify a child support obligation upon a showing of material and substantial changes in circumstances subsequent to the adjudication of the pre-existing order, including the health care needs of a child, to include the availability of health care coverage. There shall be a presumption of material and substantial changes in circumstances if application of the child support guidelines in Section 40-4-11.1 NMSA 1978 would result in a deviation upward or downward of more than twenty percent of the existing child support obligation and the petition for modification is filed more than one year after the filing of the pre-existing order.
B. All child support orders shall contain a provision for the annual exchange of financial information by the obligor and obligee upon a written request by either party. The financial information to be furnished shall include:
(1) federal and state tax returns, including all schedules, for the year preceding the request;
(2) W-2 statements for the year preceding the request;
(3) Internal Revenue Service Form 1099s for the year preceding the request;
(4) work-related daycare statements for the year preceding the request;
(5) dependent medical insurance premiums for the year preceding the request; and
(6) wage and payroll statements for four months preceding the request.
For the purposes of this subsection, the wages of a subsequent spouse may be omitted from the financial information provided by either the obligor or the obligee.
C. The requirement to provide for the child's health care needs in the order, through insurance or other means, shall be a basis to initiate an adjustment of an order, regardless of whether an adjustment in the amount of child support is necessary.
History: Laws 1990, ch. 58, § 1; 1991, ch. 206, § 2; 2021, ch. 20, § 4.
The 2021 amendment, effective July 1, 2021, provided that the health care needs of a minor child are an adequate basis for modification of a child support order; in Subsection A, after "pre-existing order", added "including the health care needs of a child, to include the availability of health care coverage"; and added Subsection C.
The 1991 amendment, effective June 14, 1991, rewrote this section to the extent that a detailed comparison would be impracticable.
Cases in which there is a presumption of material and substantial changes in circumstances. — In cases in which application of the parties' updated financial information to the child support guidelines results in a deviation upward or downward of more than twenty percent of the existing child support obligation, the party seeking modification is entitled to a rebuttable presumption of material and substantial changes in circumstances justifying a modification. Jury v. Jury, 2017-NMCA-036.
Where petitioner appealed the district court's denial of her motion to modify a 2010 child support decree, claiming that the district court's ruling resulted from its erroneous determination of the parties' gross monthly incomes and, by extension, child support obligations, reversal and remand for recalculation of the parties' gross monthly incomes was necessary to the extent that the district court improperly deviated from the child support guidelines in calculating the parties' gross monthly incomes and failed to specify the reasons for its decision in deviating from the child support guidelines, because the miscalculation potentially deprived petitioner of the presumption of material and substantial changes in circumstances. Jury v. Jury, 2017-NMCA-036.
Reduction of child support payments upon child reaching majority age. — When a prior decree directs that a noncustodial parent make lump-sum, periodic child support payments for two or more children, and one of the children subsequently reaches the age of majority, the best procedure for a noncustodial parent who seeks a reduction in child support is to obtain a stipulated order authorizing such modification, or alternatively to request a hearing on the request for reduction. McCurry v. McCurry, 1994-NMCA-047, 117 N.M. 564, 874 P.2d 25.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Death of obligor parent as affecting decree for support of child, 14 A.L.R.5th 557.
Decrease in income of obligor spouse following voluntary termination of employment as basis for modification of child support award, 39 A.L.R.5th 1.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 40 - Domestic Affairs

Article 4 - Dissolution of Marriage

Section 40-4-1 - Dissolution of marriage.

Section 40-4-2 - Incompatibility.

Section 40-4-3 - Proceeding for division of property, disposition of children or alimony without the dissolution of marriage.

Section 40-4-4 - Venue; jurisdiction over property.

Section 40-4-5 - Dissolution of marriage; jurisdiction; domicile.

Section 40-4-6 - Verification of petition.

Section 40-4-7 - Proceedings; spousal support; support of children; division of property.

Section 40-4-7.1 - Use of life insurance policy as security.

Section 40-4-7.2 - Binding arbitration option; procedure.

Section 40-4-7.3 - Accrual of interest; delinquent child and spousal support.

Section 40-4-8 - Contested custody; appointment of guardian ad litem.

Section 40-4-9 - Standards for the determination of child custody; hearing.

Section 40-4-9.1 - Joint custody; standards for determination; parenting plan.

Section 40-4-10 - Appointment of guardian ad litem.

Section 40-4-11 - Determination of award of child support; notice to withhold income.

Section 40-4-11 - Determination of award of child support; disregard of welfare payments; notice to withhold income.

Section 40-4-11.1 - Child support; guidelines.

Section 40-4-11.2 - Grounds for deviation from child support guidelines.

Section 40-4-11.3 - Child support guidelines review commission; created; review of child support guidelines.

Section 40-4-11.4 - Modification of child support orders; exchange of financial information.

Section 40-4-11.5 - Modification of child support orders in cases enforced by the state Title IV-D agency.

Section 40-4-11.6 - Attachment of guideline worksheet to order.

Section 40-4-12 - Allowance from spouse's separate property as alimony.

Section 40-4-13 - Spousal support to constitute lien on real estate.

Section 40-4-14 - Allowance in property; appointment and removal of guardian.

Section 40-4-15 - Child support to constitute lien on real and personal property.

Section 40-4-16 - [Satisfaction of liens.]

Section 40-4-17 - [Motion to remove lien; bond for alimony or support payments.]

Section 40-4-18 - [Limitation of liens under Laws 1901, ch. 62, 28, 29.]

Section 40-4-19 - Enforcement of decree by attachment, garnishment, execution or contempt proceedings.

Section 40-4-19.2 - Repealed.

Section 40-4-20 - Failure to divide or distribute property on the entry of a decree of dissolution of marriage or separation; distribution of spousal or child support and determination of paternity when death occurs during proceedings for dissolution...