2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 14 - Adult Adoptions
Section 40-14-7 - Petition; content.

A petition for adoption shall be filed and verified by the petitioner and shall allege:
A. the full name, age and place and duration of residence of the petitioner and, if married, the place and date of marriage; the date and place of any prior marriage, separation or divorce; and the name of any present or prior spouse;
B. the date and place of birth of the adoptee;
C. the birth name of the adoptee, any other names by which the adoptee has been known and the adoptee's proposed new name;
D. where the adoptee is residing at the time of the filing of the petition;
E. that the petitioner desires to establish a parent and child relationship between himself and the adoptee;
F. the relationship, if any, of the petitioner to the adoptee;
G. whether the adoptee is foreign born, and if so, copies of the adoptee's passport and United States visa shall be attached as exhibits to the petition;
H. the length and nature of the relationship between the petitioner and the adoptee and the degree of kinship, if any;
I. the reason the adoption is sought;
J. the names and addresses of any living parents or children of the adoptee;
K. a statement as to why the adoption would be in the best interests of the petitioner, the adoptee and the public; and
L. whether the petitioner or the petitioner's spouse has previously adopted any other adult person and, if so, the name of the person and the date and place of the adoption.
History: Laws 1993, ch. 296, ยง 7.