2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 55A - County Improvement Districts
Section 4-55A-30 - Improvement district; reassessment; defects waived; credit for previous payment.

A. The fact that:
(1) the contract has been let;
(2) an improvement has been wholly or partially constructed;
(3) an omission, failure or neglect of the board or county officer to comply with the requirements of Sections 1 through 20 [4-55A-1 to 4-55A-20 NMSA 1978] of the County Improvement District Act; or
(4) any other matter whatsoever connected with the improvement or initial assessment is invalid,
shall not invalidate or in any way affect the making of a reassessment as authorized in Section 29 [4-55A-29 NMSA 1978] of the County Improvement District Act and charging the benefited tract or parcel of land the cost of the improvement.
B. When the reassessment is complete, any money paid on the former attempted assessment against a tract or parcel of land shall be credited to the tract or parcel of land in partial or whole payment of the reassessment.
History: Laws 1980, ch. 91, ยง 30.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 4 - Counties

Article 55A - County Improvement Districts

Section 4-55A-1 - Short title.

Section 4-55A-2 - Improvement district; definitions.

Section 4-55A-3 - Improvement district; authorization; limitation.

Section 4-55A-4 - Improvement district; purpose.

Section 4-55A-4.1 - Improvement district; additional purpose.

Section 4-55A-5 - Improvement district; powers of a county.

Section 4-55A-6 - Improvement district; limitations on powers of county with respect to street or right of way under jurisdiction of state transportation commission.

Section 4-55A-7 - Improvement district; provisional order method; procedure; preliminary lien; notice of pendency of district; effect.

Section 4-55A-8 - Improvement district; notice of assessment; protests.

Section 4-55A-9 - Improvement district; provisional order; protest; action in district court.

Section 4-55A-10 - Improvement district; petition method; requirements; distribution of costs; notice of hearing.

Section 4-55A-11 - Improvement district; notice of preliminary hearing.

Section 4-55A-12 - Improvement district; preliminary hearing; protest; action of the board; action in district court.

Section 4-55A-12.1 - Imposition of improvement district property tax; limitations.

Section 4-55A-13 - Improvement district; levy and collection of assessments prior to commencing improvement; special fund; misuse; penalty.

Section 4-55A-14 - Improvement district; advertising for bids; county may do work; contribution by governmental agency.

Section 4-55A-15 - Notice of bid; acceptance of bid.

Section 4-55A-16 - Improvement district; assessment of railroad property.

Section 4-55A-17 - Improvement district; assessment roll; notice of assessment hearing.

Section 4-55A-18 - Improvement district; filing of objections; assessment hearing; action of the board; appeal to district court.

Section 4-55A-19 - Improvement district; assessments; terms of payment; liens.

Section 4-55A-20 - Improvement district; authority to issue bonds or assignable certificates.

Section 4-55A-21 - Improvement district; rights of negotiable bondholders or assignable certificate holders.

Section 4-55A-22 - Improvement district; additional duties imposed on county.

Section 4-55A-23 - Improvement district; acceptance of deed in lieu of foreclosure.

Section 4-55A-24 - Improvement district; foreclosure; trustee may purchase at foreclosure of liens; contents of bid.

Section 4-55A-25 - Improvement district; title subject to redemption vests in trustee.

Section 4-55A-26 - Improvement district; private or public sale of property; redemption period; application for authorization; appraisement; disposition of proceeds.

Section 4-55A-27 - Improvement district; assessment funds; expenditures; misuse; penalties.

Section 4-55A-28 - Transfer of improvement district funds.

Section 4-55A-29 - Improvement district; reassessment after voiding of assessments; procedure.

Section 4-55A-30 - Improvement district; reassessment; defects waived; credit for previous payment.

Section 4-55A-31 - Improvement district; appeal to district court.

Section 4-55A-32 - Improvement district; payment of reassessment; continuing proceedings to collect assessment.

Section 4-55A-33 - Improvement district; appeal of reassessment; procedure exclusive.

Section 4-55A-34 - Improvement district; application of reassessment fund to outstanding indebtedness.

Section 4-55A-35 - Improvement district; refunding improvement bonds; authority.

Section 4-55A-36 - Refunding bonds; escrow; detail.

Section 4-55A-37 - Improvement district; ordinance for refunding bonds; conditions; sale or exchange.

Section 4-55A-38 - Improvement district; payment of assessment for refunding bond; maximum term; interest; prepayment; liens.

Section 4-55A-39 - Improvement district; construction of sections.

Section 4-55A-40 - Street and road improvement fund authorization.

Section 4-55A-41 - Street and road improvement fund; use.

Section 4-55A-42 - Street and road improvement fund; repurchasing bonds or certificates; pledging income.

Section 4-55A-43 - Street and road improvement fund; diverting proceeds from tax.