2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 48B - Hospital Funding
Section 4-48B-14 - Payment of charges; persons committed by district court.

A. Charges for care, treatment and services for any person sent by order of a district court to any county hospital or municipally owned hospital serving as a county hospital which is located outside the county of commitment shall be paid:
(1) by the patient, if he is able to pay; or
(2) by the county from which the patient was committed.
B. When a county is required by this section to pay such charges to another county, it shall levy and collect assessments as provided in the Hospital Funding Act.
History: 1953 Comp., § 15-48-12.2, enacted by Laws 1966, ch. 6, § 5; 1978 Comp., § 4-48-13, amended and recompiled as § 4-48B-14 by Laws 1981, ch. 83, § 14.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 4 - Counties

Article 48B - Hospital Funding

Section 4-48B-1 - Short title.

Section 4-48B-2 - Purpose of act.

Section 4-48B-3 - Definitions.

Section 4-48B-4 - Annual report.

Section 4-48B-5 - Power of counties.

Section 4-48B-6 - Election on bond question; petition; notice; limitation on holding; election without petition.

Section 4-48B-7 - Power to lease hospitals.

Section 4-48B-8 - Sick and indigent persons; agreements for care with state and county agencies.

Section 4-48B-9 - Joint construction and operation of hospitals by counties; municipal participation; indebtedness authorized.

Section 4-48B-10 - Hospital governing boards for county hospitals; members; appointment; terms; powers; bonds.

Section 4-48B-11 - Federal aid.

Section 4-48B-12 - Tax levies authorized.

Section 4-48B-13 - County hospital; power to lease; expenditure of proceeds from tax levy.

Section 4-48B-14 - Payment of charges; persons committed by district court.

Section 4-48B-15 - Election on special levy.

Section 4-48B-16 - Validation of earlier elections.

Section 4-48B-17 - Governing boards of county hospitals authorized to establish retirement plans and programs for employees of county hospitals.

Section 4-48B-18 - Hospital revenue bonds; authority to issue; pledge of revenues.

Section 4-48B-19 - Use of proceeds of bond issue.

Section 4-48B-20 - Revenue bonds; terms.

Section 4-48B-21 - Ordinance authorizing revenue bonds.

Section 4-48B-22 - Hospital revenue bonds not general county obligations.

Section 4-48B-23 - Revenue bonds; security; restrictions and limitations.

Section 4-48B-24 - Revenue bonds; exemption from taxation.

Section 4-48B-25 - Election not required.

Section 4-48B-26 - No notice or publication required.

Section 4-48B-27 - Hospitals declared necessary public buildings.

Section 4-48B-28 - Agreements with the New Mexico hospital equipment loan council; authority; security; restrictions and limitations and other details.

Section 4-48B-29 - Refunding revenue bonds.