2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 42 - County Surveyor
Section 4-42-10 - Licensed professional surveyor to do all county work.

All county surveying and engineering on roads and bridges shall be performed by a licensed professional surveyor appointed by the board of county commissioners, and the surveyor shall by virtue of the surveyor's office be one of the viewers in the establishing of new roads or the location of bridges.
History: Laws 1891, ch. 33, § 11; C.L. 1897, § 795; Code 1915, § 1297; C.S. 1929, § 33-4911; 1941 Comp., § 15-3911; 1953 Comp., § 15-41-11; 2011, ch. 56, § 11.
Compiler's notes. — The words "engineering on roads and bridges" are deemed repealed by section 67-4-3 NMSA 1978. The words "and he shall by virtue of his office be one of the viewers in the establishing of new roads or the location of bridges" are deemed superseded by 67-5-9 to 67-5-16 NMSA 1978, which provide for the appointment of viewers to change or establish new roads and for a survey by the county surveyor after they decide that the road should be changed or a new road established.
Cross references. — For county surveys, see 4-42-15 NMSA 1978.
The 2011 amendment, effective December 31, 2012, required that all county work be performed by licensed professional surveyors.
Part of section requiring all engineering on roads and bridges to be performed by county surveyor was impliedly repealed by 67-4-3 NMSA 1978, authorizing board of county commissioners to employ county road superintendent. State ex rel. Bard v. Board of Cnty. Comm'rs, 1935-NMSC-014, 39 N.M. 119, 41 P.2d 1105.