2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 41 - County Sheriff
Section 4-41-19 - County peace officers and constables; mileage; conditions.

A. Peace officers and constables shall be allowed mileage or the distance actually and necessarily traveled by privately owned conveyance in serving any judicial process.
B. In serving any jury venire, a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constables [constable] or other county peace officer shall charge for the actual mileage traveled and necessary in providing service of jury venire.
C. If more than one peace officer or constable travels in one privately owned conveyance in the performance of official business, only the officer owning the conveyance used shall be reimbursed.
History: 1953 Comp., § 15-40-21.1, enacted by Laws 1961, ch. 253, § 2; 1963, ch. 9, § 1.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Cross references. — For charge for service of more than one subpoena or summons, see 4-41-21 NMSA 1978.
For payment of per diem expenses of sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and guards for serving process and other official business, see 4-44-18 NMSA 1978.
For collection and disposition of fees, commissions, mileage and per diem, see 4-44-28, 4-44-29 NMSA 1978.
Sheriff could not collect from the county service fees and mileage for the service of process issued on behalf of the county or state. State ex rel. Peck v. Velarde, 1935-NMSC-033, 39 N.M. 179, 43 P.2d 377 (decision under former law).
The state and its agencies are required to pay the statutory fees for service of process. 1979 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 79-29.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 70 Am. Jur. 2d Sheriffs, Police, and Constables § 89.
80 C.J.S. Sheriffs and Constables §§ 498 to 500.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 4 - Counties

Article 41 - County Sheriff

Section 4-41-1 - Repealed.

Section 4-41-2 - [Duties.]

Section 4-41-3 - [Failure to execute bond and oath; performing duties; penalty.]

Section 4-41-4 - [Exercising powers after removal; penalty.]

Section 4-41-5 - Deputy sheriffs; appointment and term; merit system.

Section 4-41-6 - Counties authorized to establish merit systems for deputies and personnel in the county sheriff's office.

Section 4-41-7 - Provisions of merit system constitute part of employment contract.

Section 4-41-8 - [Deputy sheriff; qualifications; character; revocation of commission.]

Section 4-41-9 - Powers of deputy sheriff.

Section 4-41-10 - Right to carry arms; deputies; appointment.

Section 4-41-10.1 - [Right to carry concealed arms.]

Section 4-41-11 - [Injuries to sheriff or deputy while making arrest; medical expenses; limitation.]

Section 4-41-11.1 - Qualifications; waiver.

Section 4-41-12 - [Entering other counties; powers.]

Section 4-41-13 - [Execution of process of probate court; attendance.]

Section 4-41-14 - Sheriff to serve and execute process and orders of magistrate [and municipal] courts.

Section 4-41-15 - [Fees; payment in advance.]

Section 4-41-16 - Fees; attendance on courts; sessions of county commissioners; hearing before judges.

Section 4-41-17 - [Executions; commissions and expenses.]

Section 4-41-18 - [Fees; service of jury venire.]

Section 4-41-19 - County peace officers and constables; mileage; conditions.

Section 4-41-20 - Sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and other county peace officers; public transportation; reimbursement.

Section 4-41-21 - [More than one subpoena, summons or prisoner; no extra charge.]

Section 4-41-22 - [Other fees.]