2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 5 - Sales Under Execution and Foreclosure
Section 39-5-22 - [Rights of purchaser upon redemption; growing crops; rents and profits; waste.]

Whenever any property shall be redeemed under the terms or provisions of any section of this act [39-5-17 to 39-5-23 NMSA 1978], the purchaser, his personal representatives or assigns shall have the growing crops upon such lands and shall not be responsible for rents and profits, but shall account only for waste.
History: Laws 1931, ch. 149, § 5; 1941 Comp., § 21-222; 1953 Comp., § 24-2-22.
Cross references. — For retention of growing crops where foreclosure commences after March 15, see 39-5-16 NMSA 1978.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 30 Am. Jur. 2d Executions § 447 et seq.
Crops: right in respect of crops grown during period of redemption after judicial or execution sale, 66 A.L.R. 1420.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 39 - Judgments, Costs, Appeals

Article 5 - Sales Under Execution and Foreclosure

Section 39-5-1 - [Time and notice of judicial sales.]

Section 39-5-1.1 - Judicial sales of perishable property; court order; petition; hearing.

Section 39-5-1.2 - ["Real estate" and "real property" defined.]

Section 39-5-2 - [Unlawful sales; liability of officer.]

Section 39-5-3 - [Contents of sale notices.]

Section 39-5-4 - [Notice of sale for personal property not exceeding three hundred dollars.]

Section 39-5-5 - [Limit on sale price of real estate.]

Section 39-5-6 - [Sheriff to ascertain value.]

Section 39-5-7 - [Selection of appraisers; appraisal.]

Section 39-5-8 - [Appraiser failing to act.]

Section 39-5-9 - [Schedule of property.]

Section 39-5-10 - [No duty to ascertain amount of liens.]

Section 39-5-11 - [Oath of appraisers.]

Section 39-5-12 - [Unsold property; return.]

Section 39-5-13 - [Lien continues; alias writ.]

Section 39-5-14 - [Reoffer of unsold property; costs; revaluation.]

Section 39-5-15 - [Foreclosure; lien claimed by deceased; making unknown heirs and devisees parties defendant.]

Section 39-5-16 - Foreclosure after March 15; growing crops.

Section 39-5-17 - Time for sale under judgment or decree of foreclosure; avoidance of sale.

Section 39-5-18 - Redemption of real property sold under judgment or decree of foreclosure; notice and hearing; redemption amount; priority of redemption rights.

Section 39-5-19 - Application; shorter redemption period.

Section 39-5-20 - Repealed.

Section 39-5-21 - [Redemption of real property sold on execution.]

Section 39-5-22 - [Rights of purchaser upon redemption; growing crops; rents and profits; waste.]

Section 39-5-23 - Duty to record redemption.