2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Judgments
Section 39-1-14 - [Effect of confessed judgment; transcripts filed in other counties; liens.]

Such judgment, when so filed, recorded and docketed, shall have all the binding force and effect that judgments obtained in the regular manner have by law in said courts, as to being liens upon real estate of such defendant, and otherwise. And the beneficiary, under such judgment, shall have the same right to file transcripts thereof in other counties to be a lien upon the real estate of such defendant, as any plaintiff has, under the law, in like manner, filing a certified transcript thereof in the office of the county clerk of such other county or counties.
History: Laws 1889, ch. 20, § 6; C.L. 1897, § 3082; Code 1915, § 3076; C.S. 1929, § 76-107; 1941 Comp., § 19-914; 1953 Comp., § 21-9-14.
Practice of warrant of attorney not abrogated. — This section does not cover the same field as that occupied by the common-law practice of taking judgments on warrant of attorney, and does not abrogate such practice. First Nat'l Bank v. Baker, 1919-NMSC-009, 25 N.M. 208, 180 P. 291.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 46 Am. Jur. 2d Judgments §§ 228 et seq., 360 et seq.
49 C.J.S. Judgments §§ 168, 463, 471.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 39 - Judgments, Costs, Appeals

Article 1 - Judgments

Section 39-1-1 - [Judgments and decrees; interlocutory orders; period of control over final judgment.]

Section 39-1-2 - [Judgment rendered subsequent to hearing; notice to attorneys.]

Section 39-1-3 - [Death of party after verdict.]

Section 39-1-4 - [Entry of judgment; execution; motion for new trial.]

Section 39-1-5 - [Judgments enforced; duty of judge.]

Section 39-1-6 - Money judgment; docketing; transcript of judgment; lien on real estate; supersedeas.

Section 39-1-6.1 - Judgment liens; release; penalties.

Section 39-1-6.2 - Judgment debts; discharge.

Section 39-1-7 - Transcript; judgment records.

Section 39-1-8 - Transcript of judgment; contents; fee for issuance.

Section 39-1-9 - [Confession of judgments; entry.]

Section 39-1-10 - [Subject of judgment by confession.]

Section 39-1-11 - [Form of confession of judgment.]

Section 39-1-12 - Record and transcript of judgment by confession; execution.

Section 39-1-13 - [Conditions to stay execution of judgment by confession.]

Section 39-1-14 - [Effect of confessed judgment; transcripts filed in other counties; liens.]

Section 39-1-15 - [Affidavit of good faith.]

Section 39-1-16 - [Contracts providing for confession of judgment before cause of action accrues prohibited.]

Section 39-1-17 - [Execution of foreign judgment based upon confession of judgment prohibited.]

Section 39-1-18 - ["Cognovit note" defined; execution and procurement prohibited; penalty for violation.]

Section 39-1-19 - Repealed.

Section 39-1-20 - Execution after judgment.