2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - Regulation of Attorneys
Section 36-2-34 - [Solicitation violation; stay of proceeding; employment of other counsel.]

In any action for personal injury brought in any court of this state, the court, upon being satisfied that the employment of counsel for any party has been solicited in violation of this act [36-2-29, 36-2-31 to 36-2-38 NMSA 1978], shall order all proceedings in the action stayed until such party has been given an opportunity to engage other counsel, and may deny the right to collect costs wholly or in part to any party to the action. Counsel employed in violation hereof shall not be permitted to appear further in the action.
History: 1941 Comp., § 18-132, enacted by Laws 1949, ch. 81, § 5; 1953 Comp., § 18-1-32.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Modern status of law regarding solicitation of business by or for attorney, 5 A.L.R.4th 866.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 36 - Attorneys

Article 2 - Regulation of Attorneys

Section 36-2-1 - [Rules defining and regulating practice of law; authority of supreme court; distribution; effective date.]

Section 36-2-2 to 36-2-9 - Repealed.

Section 36-2-9.1 - Exclusion.

Section 36-2-10 - [Duties of attorneys.]

Section 36-2-11 - [Authority of attorneys.]

Section 36-2-12 - [Proof of authority; stay of proceedings.]

Section 36-2-13 - [Attorneys prohibited from acting as surety for clients.]

Section 36-2-13.1 - Liability for court reporting costs.

Section 36-2-14 - [Method for changing attorney; notice.]

Section 36-2-15 - [Death, removal, etc., of attorney; procedure.]

Section 36-2-16 - [Breach of confidence; deserting or jeopardizing client; penalty.]

Section 36-2-17 - [Deceit or collusion; damages; disbarment.]

Section 36-2-18 - [Grounds for disbarment and suspension by supreme court.]

Section 36-2-19 - [Conviction of crime; certifying copy of record to supreme court; disbarment.]

Section 36-2-20 - [Attorneys who are partners of or related to district attorney; restrictions on practice.]

Section 36-2-21 - [Judgment of disbarment.]

Section 36-2-22 - [Payment of costs in disbarment proceedings.]

Section 36-2-23 - [Effect of disbarment; reinstatement.]

Section 36-2-24 - [License fraudulently obtained; revocation.]

Section 36-2-25 - Repealed.

Section 36-2-26 - [Annual meetings of state bar; annual election.]

Section 36-2-27 - Practice without admission; contempt of court; foreign attorneys.

Section 36-2-28 - Repealed.

Section 36-2-28.1 - Unauthorized practice of law; private remedies.

Section 36-2-28.2 - Unauthorized practice of law; action by attorney general or bar association.

Section 36-2-29 - [Direct and indirect solicitation of damage claims declared illegal.]

Section 36-2-30 - [Solicitation of damage claims; injunction.]

Section 36-2-31 - [Fee splitting prohibited; division of fees by attorneys excepted.]

Section 36-2-32 - [Hospital or other employees; communication with attorneys concerning damage claims declared illegal.]

Section 36-2-33 - [Solicitation prosecutions; prima facie evidence of agency.]

Section 36-2-34 - [Solicitation violation; stay of proceeding; employment of other counsel.]

Section 36-2-35 - [Solicited employment contracts void; recovery of compensation paid.]

Section 36-2-36 - [Penalty for solicitation.]

Section 36-2-37 - [Prosecution by attorney general for solicitation.]

Section 36-2-38 - [Duty to testify in action for solicitation; immunity; perjury.]

Section 36-2-39 - Recompiled.

Section 36-2-40 - Criminal offender's character evaluation.