2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - District Attorneys
Section 36-1-2 - Assistants; appointment; revocation; duties.

Each district attorney in this state may appoint one or more suitable persons who shall be attorneys-at-law practicing their profession in this state and members of the bar of this state to be his assistants. Every appointment of an assistant district attorney shall be in writing under the hand of the district attorney and filed in the office of the clerk of the district court of the judicial district in which the district attorney resides, and the person so appointed shall take and file in the office of the clerk of the district court of the judicial district in which the district attorney resides an oath of office as is now prescribed by law for district attorneys before entering upon his duties as assistant district attorney. Every such appointment may be revoked by the district attorney making it, which revocation shall be in writing and filed in that clerk's office. The assistant district attorney may attend the meetings of the boards of county commissioners, the district court, metropolitan, magistrate and probate courts in the district attorney's district and therein discharge any duties imposed by law upon or required of the district attorney by whom he was appointed.
History: Laws 1905, ch. 34, § 1; Code 1915, § 1858; C.S. 1929, § 39-102; 1941 Comp., § 17-102; 1953 Comp., § 17-1-2; Laws 1984, ch. 109, § 1.
Cross references. — For payments of salaries and expenses of assistant district attorneys, see 36-1-8 NMSA 1978.
For appointment of special assistant district attorneys, see 36-1-23.1 NMSA 1978.
Where local district attorney available. — Attorney who was part of the Medicaid Providers Fraud Control Unit and was appointed a special assistant district attorney, could not prosecute a criminal sexual penetration case for a local district attorney, where the state conceded there was no reason why the district attorney could not have prosecuted the case. State v. Hollenbeck, 1991-NMCA-060, 112 N.M. 275, 814 P.2d 143.
Fees and compensation of assistant district attorneys. — District attorneys are precluded from receiving fees or compensation other than the salary provided by law for services rendered the counties of their district. The duties of assistant district attorneys are the same as those imposed on district attorneys, and the inhibition applies to those officials as well. Hanagan v. Board of Cnty. Comm'rs, 1958-NMSC-053, 64 N.M. 103, 325 P.2d 282.
Assistant district attorney may not recover special compensation for collecting delinquent taxes. 1915 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 15-1655.
Cross-designation of assistant city attorneys. — A district attorney has the authority to cross-designate assistant city attorneys as special assistant district attorneys for the purposes of assisting the district attorney in prosecuting violations of state law in magistrate court. 2008 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 08-06.
Member of the legislature may not be appointed assistant district attorney since the latter is a civil officer which makes these positions incompatible. 19412 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 41-3866.
Person who is probate judge may not also be appointed to the position of assistant district attorney by reason that his duties as a representative of the state would require his appearance in many matters before himself as presiding judge of the probate court. This is not only violative of the laws of the state of New Mexico but would also be a violation of the legal canons of ethics. 1954 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 54-5955.
Person appointed as assistant district attorney must be a practicing attorney and a member of bar of this state. 1932 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 32-479.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 63A Am. Jur. 2d Prosecuting Attorneys § 9.
Power of assistant or deputy prosecuting or district attorney to file information, or to sign or prosecute it in his own name, 80 A.L.R.2d 1067.
27 C.J.S. District and Prosecuting Attorneys §§ 27 to 31.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 36 - Attorneys

Article 1 - District Attorneys

Section 36-1-1 - [Oath and bond of district attorneys.]

Section 36-1-2 - Assistants; appointment; revocation; duties.

Section 36-1-3 - District attorneys; travel expenses.

Section 36-1-4 - District attorneys; limitation of private practice.

Section 36-1-5 - District attorneys; assistants; investigators.

Section 36-1-6 - District attorneys; salaries.

Section 36-1-7 - District attorneys; salary and allowances exclusive.

Section 36-1-8 - District attorneys; payments of salaries and expenses.

Section 36-1-8.1 - District attorney facilities; maintenance and upkeep.

Section 36-1-8.2 - Eleventh judicial district; two district attorney divisions.

Section 36-1-8.3 - District attorneys; election; residence.

Section 36-1-8.4 - District attorneys; assistants.

Section 36-1-9 - [Removal from office; grounds enumerated.]

Section 36-1-10 - [Original jurisdiction of supreme court in removal proceedings.]

Section 36-1-11 - [Attorney general to prosecute removal proceedings; exceptions.]

Section 36-1-12 - [Service upon accused; appearance and answer.]

Section 36-1-13 - [Contents and nature of answer.]

Section 36-1-14 - [Hearing and determination when defendant fails to appear.]

Section 36-1-15 - [Issues to be tried without jury; applicability of Rules of Civil Procedure; burden of proof.]

Section 36-1-16 - [Decision of court to be final.]

Section 36-1-17 - [No filing fee; taxation of costs.]

Section 36-1-18 - Duties of district attorney.

Section 36-1-19 - Legal representation; state; county.

Section 36-1-20 - [Authority of district attorney before magistrate court.]

Section 36-1-21 - [Aiding defense; penalty against attorney general or district attorney; removal from office; exceptions; taking case in which state or county interested prohibited.]

Section 36-1-22 - [Compromise, satisfaction or release by attorney general or district attorney.]

Section 36-1-23 - Terminated.

Section 36-1-23.1 - Special prosecutors in conflict cases.

Section 36-1-24 - Terminated.

Section 36-1-25 - Administrative office of the district attorneys created; director; personnel.

Section 36-1-26 - Director; duties.

Section 36-1-27 - Repealed.

Section 36-1-28 - District attorney fund; created; administration; purpose.