2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 18 - Criminal Sentencing
Section 31-18-12 - Short title.

Chapter 31, Article 18 NMSA 1978 may be cited as the "Criminal Sentencing Act".
History: 1953 Comp., § 40A-29-26, enacted by Laws 1977, ch. 216, § 1; 1994, ch. 24, § 1.
The 1994 amendment, effective July 1, 1994, substituted "Chapter 31, Article 18 NMSA 1978" for "The provisions of Sections 40A-29-26 through 40A-29-34 NMSA 1953".
Law reviews. — For comment, "Definitive Sentencing in New Mexico: The 1977 Criminal Sentencing Act," see 9 N.M.L. Rev. 131 (1978-79).
For article, "Survey of New Mexico Law, 1982-83: Criminal Law," see 14 N.M.L. Rev. 89 (1984).

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 31 - Criminal Procedure

Article 18 - Criminal Sentencing

Section 31-18-1 to 31-18-11 - Repealed.

Section 31-18-12 - Short title.

Section 31-18-13 - Sentencing authority; all crimes.

Section 31-18-14 - Sentencing authority; capital felonies.

Section 31-18-14.1 - Repealed.

Section 31-18-15 - Sentencing authority; noncapital felonies; basic sentences and fines; parole authority; meritorious deductions.

Section 31-18-15.1 - Alteration of basic sentence; mitigating or aggravating circumstances; procedure.

Section 31-18-15.2 - Definitions.

Section 31-18-15.3 - Serious youthful offender; disposition.

Section 31-18-15.4 - Felonies; public officials; enhancement of sentences.

Section 31-18-16 - Brandishing of firearm; alteration of basic sentence; suspension and deferral limited.

Section 31-18-16.1 - Repealed.

Section 31-18-17 - Habitual offenders; alteration of basic sentence.

Section 31-18-18 - Habitual offenders; duty of public officers to report.

Section 31-18-19 - Habitual offender; duty of district attorney to prosecute.

Section 31-18-20 - Habitual offenders; proceedings for prosecution.

Section 31-18-21 - Consecutive sentences; inmates and persons at large.

Section 31-18-22 - Special incarceration alternative program.

Section 31-18-23 - Three violent felony convictions; mandatory life imprisonment; exception.

Section 31-18-24 - Violent felony sentencing procedure.

Section 31-18-25 - Two violent sexual offense convictions; mandatory life imprisonment; exception.

Section 31-18-26 - Two violent sexual offense convictions; sentencing procedure.