2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 16 - DNA Identification
Section 29-16-11 - Assessment; collection; DNA fee.

A. Each time that a covered offender is convicted, the court shall assess a DNA fee of one hundred dollars ($100) in addition to any other fee, restitution or fine. The corrections department shall collect the DNA fee from the covered offender for deposit in the fund.
B. When a covered offender is transferred to New Mexico from another state pursuant to an interstate compact, the corrections department shall assess and collect from the covered offender a DNA fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for deposit in the fund.
History: Laws 1997, ch. 105, § 11; 2013, ch. 208, § 4.
The 2013 amendment, effective July 1, 2013, provided for the collection of the DNA fee by the corrections department; in the title, after "assessment", deleted "of" and added "collection; DNA fee"; deleted the former introductory sentence "On and after the effective date of the DNA Identification Act"; in Subsection A, in the first sentence, deleted "When" and added "Each time that" and after "shall assess a", added "DNA", and deleted the former second sentence, which provided that "The fee shall be deposited in the fund" and added the second sentence; and added Subsection B.