2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 2 - United States Lands
Section 19-2-12 - [Exchange of lands with United States.]

That the commissioner of public lands of the state of New Mexico is hereby authorized to enter into agreements with the secretary of the interior of the United States for the exchange of any lands of the state of New Mexico over which the commissioner of public lands is given the control, care and disposition for lands of the United States of equal value and in making such exchange, the commissioner of public lands is authorized to convey to the United States such lands to be given in exchange and to accept on behalf of the state of New Mexico title to lands given by the United States in such exchange; provided, however, the commissioner of public lands in his discretion may reserve title, to all oil, gas and other minerals or as to any specific minerals, in and under and that may be produced from any lands conveyed to the United States in exchange for lands of the United States of equal value, and provided further, that if such state lands lie within 25 miles from the exterior boundaries of any existing military reservation or, if they are being acquired by the secretary of interior for the purpose of permitting them to be withdrawn for military purposes, then no such exchange shall be effected without the consent of owner or owners of any leases issued by the state of New Mexico covering said lands until the rights of all such lessees have been acquired by the United States through purchase or condemnation proceedings.
History: 1953 Comp., § 7-2-11, enacted by Laws 1957, ch. 74, § 1.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.