2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 11 - Retirement of Public Officers and Employees Generally
Section 10-11-117 - Forms of payment of a pension.

A. Straight life pension is form of payment A. The retired member is paid the pension for life under form of payment A. All payments stop upon the death of the retired member, except as provided by Subsection E of this section. The amount of pension is determined in accordance with the coverage plan applicable to the retired member.
B. Life payments with full continuation to one survivor beneficiary is form of payment B. The retired member is paid a reduced pension for life under form of payment B. When the retired member dies, the designated survivor beneficiary is paid the full amount of the reduced pension until death. Upon the association's receipt of proof of death of the designated survivor beneficiary, the amount of pension shall be changed to the amount that would have been payable had the retired member elected form of payment A.
C. Life payment with one-half continuation to one survivor beneficiary is form of payment C. The retired member is paid a reduced pension for life under form of payment C. When the retired member dies, the designated survivor beneficiary is paid one-half the amount of the reduced pension until death. If the designated survivor beneficiary predeceases the retired member, the amount of pension shall be changed to the amount that would have been payable had the retired member elected form of payment A.
D. Life payments with temporary survivor benefits for children is form of payment D. The retired member is paid a reduced pension for life under form of payment D. When the retired member dies, each declared eligible child is paid a share of the reduced pension until death or age twenty-five years, whichever occurs first. The share is the share specified in writing and filed with the association by the retired member. If shares are not specified in writing and filed with the association, each declared eligible child is paid an equal share of the reduced pension. A redetermination of shares shall be made when the pension of any child terminates. An eligible child is a natural or adopted child of the retired member who is under age twenty-five years. A declared eligible child is an eligible child whose name has been declared in writing and filed with the association by the retired member at the time of election of form of payment D. The amount of pension shall be changed to the amount of pension that would have been payable had the retired member elected form of payment A upon there ceasing to be a declared eligible child during the lifetime of the retired member.
E. If all pension payments permanently terminate before there is paid an aggregate amount equal to the retired member's accumulated member contributions at the time of retirement, the difference between the amount of accumulated member contributions and the aggregate amount of pension paid shall be paid to the retired member's refund beneficiary. If no refund beneficiary survives the retired member, the difference shall be paid to the estate of the retired member.
History: Laws 1987, ch. 253, § 117; 1992, ch. 116, § 7; 1997, ch. 189, § 7.
The 1997 amendment, effective June 20, 1997, substituted "Upon the association's receipt of proof of death of the designated survivor beneficiary" for "If the designated survivor beneficiary predeceases the retired member" in the fourth sentence of Subsection B.
The 1992 amendment, effective July 1, 1992, substituted "Subsection E" for "Subsection F" in the third sentence of Subsection A; in Subsection B, inserted "one" preceding "survivor" in the first sentence and rewrote the third and fourth sentences; in Subsection C, inserted "one" preceding "survivor" in the first sentence and rewrote the third and fourth sentences; in Subsection D, substituted "When the retired member dies" for "upon the death of the retired member during the lifetime of a declared eligible child of the retired member" in the third sentence; deleted Subsection E, relating to requirements for election made under Subsections B or C; redesignated Subsection F as Subsection E; and substituted "retired member" for "former member" and "member contributions" for "deductions" in Subsection E.
Change of retirement action. — Where there is no evidence that the retiree was suffering from psychosis when he selected his option or that his use of alcohol rendered him incompetent to select an option he may not later change his retirement action. 1988 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 88-27.
Effect of voiding of option. — When a court voids a retirement option selection because of incompetence, it will grant relief as if the retiree did not select an option. 1988 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 88-27.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 10 - Public Officers and Employees

Article 11 - Retirement of Public Officers and Employees Generally

Section 10-11-1 - Short title.

Section 10-11-2 - Definitions.

Section 10-11-2.1 - Definitions.

Section 10-11-2.2 - Additional definition; state legislator member.

Section 10-11-3 - Membership; requirements; exclusions; termination.

Section 10-11-4 - Service credit; requirements for; forfeiture; reinstatement.

Section 10-11-4.1 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-4.2 - Correction of errors and omissions; estoppel.

Section 10-11-5 - Credited service; municipal election to make employee contributions.

Section 10-11-6 - Service credit; credit for intervening military and United States government service.

Section 10-11-6.1 - Service credit for certain injured members on approved workers' compensation leave.

Section 10-11-6.2 - Elected official; award of service credit for shortened term of office; Local Election Act.

Section 10-11-7 - Service credit; purchase of service.

Section 10-11-8 - Normal retirement; return to employment; benefits continued; contributions.

Section 10-11-9 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-9.2 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-10 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-10.1 - Disability retirement.

Section 10-11-11 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-12 - Status of disability retired member upon termination of disability retirement.

Section 10-11-14 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-14.1 to 10-11-14.4 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-14.5 - Death before retirement; survivor pensions.

Section 10-11-14.6 - Calculation of final average salary.

Section 10-11-15 - State general member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-16 - State general member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-17 - State general member coverage plan 1; amount of normal requirements for normal retirement; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-18 - State general member coverage plan 1; final average salary.

Section 10-11-18.1 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-19 - State general member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-20 - State general member coverage plan 1; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-21 - State general member coverage plan 2; applicability.

Section 10-11-22 - State general member coverage plan 2; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-23 - State general member coverage plan 2; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-24 - State general member coverage plan 2; final average salary.

Section 10-11-25 - State general member coverage plan 2; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-26 - State general member coverage plan 2; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-26.1 - State general member coverage plan 3; applicability.

Section 10-11-26.2 - State general member coverage plan 3; age and service credit requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-26.2 - State general member coverage plan 3; age and service credit requirements for normal retirement. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 10-11-26.3 - State general member coverage plan 3; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-26.4 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-26.5 - State general member coverage plan 3; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-26.6 - State general member coverage plan 3; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-26.7 - Service credit under this plan required.

Section 10-11-27 - State police member, correctional officer member and probation and parole officer member coverage plan 1; applicability; credited service.

Section 10-11-27.1 - State police member, correctional officer member and probation and parole officer member coverage plan 1; service credit required.

Section 10-11-27.2 - Legislative findings.

Section 10-11-28 - State police member, correctional officer member and probation and parole officer member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-29 - State police member, correctional officer member and probation and parole officer member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-29.1 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-30 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-31 - State police member, correctional officer member and probation and parole officer member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-32 - State police member, correctional officer member and probation and parole officer member coverage plan 1; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-33 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-34 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-35 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-36 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-37 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-38 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 1; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-38.1 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 2; applicability.

Section 10-11-38.2 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 2; age and service credit requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-38.3 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 2; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-38.4 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-38.5 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 2; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-38.6 - Juvenile correctional officer member coverage plan 2; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-38.7 - Service credit under this plan required.

Section 10-11-39 - State legislator member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-40 - State legislator member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-41 - State legislator member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-42 - State legislator member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-43 - State legislator member coverage plan 1; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-43.1 - State legislator member coverage plan 2; applicability.

Section 10-11-43.2 - State legislator member coverage plan 2; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-43.3 - State legislator member coverage plan 2; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-43.4 - State legislator member coverage plan 2; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-43.5 - State legislator member coverage plan 2; state contribution rate.

Section 10-11-43.6 - State legislator member coverage plan 2; contributions for service prior to 2003.

Section 10-11-44 - Municipal general member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-45 - Municipal general member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-46 - Municipal general member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-47 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-48 - Municipal general member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-49 - Municipal general member coverage plan 1; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-50 - Municipal general member coverage plan 2; applicability.

Section 10-11-51 - Municipal general member coverage plan 2; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-52 - Municipal general member coverage plan 2; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-53 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-54 - Municipal general member coverage plan 2; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-55 - Municipal general member coverage plan 2; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-55.1 - Municipal general member coverage plan 3; applicability.

Section 10-11-55.2 - Municipal general member coverage plan 3; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-55.3 - Municipal general member coverage plan 3; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-55.4 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-55.5 - Municipal general member coverage plan 3; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-55.6 - Municipal general member coverage plan 3; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-55.7 - Municipal general member coverage plan 4; applicability.

Section 10-11-55.8 - Municipal general member coverage plan 4; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-55.9 - Municipal general member coverage plan 4; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-55.10 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-55.11 - Municipal general member coverage plan 4; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-55.12 - Municipal general member coverage plan 4; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-56 - Municipal police member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-57 - Municipal police member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-58 - Municipal police member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-59 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-60 - Municipal police member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-61 - Municipal police member coverage plan 1; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-62 - Municipal police member coverage plan 2; applicability.

Section 10-11-63 - Municipal police member coverage plan 2; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-64 - Municipal police member coverage plan 2; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-65 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-66 - Municipal police member coverage plan 2; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-67 - Municipal police member coverage plan 2; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-68 - Municipal police member coverage plan 3; applicability.

Section 10-11-69 - Municipal police member coverage plan 3; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-70 - Municipal police member coverage plan 3; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-71 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-72 - Municipal police member coverage plan 3; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-73 - Municipal police member coverage plan 3; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-74 - Municipal police member coverage plan 4; applicability.

Section 10-11-75 - Municipal police member coverage plan 4; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-76 - Municipal police member coverage plan 4; amount of pension; form of pension A.

Section 10-11-77 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-78 - Municipal police member coverage plan 4; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-79 - Municipal police member coverage plan 4; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-80 - Municipal police member coverage plan 5; applicability.

Section 10-11-81 - Municipal police member coverage plan 5; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-82 - Municipal police member coverage plan 5; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-83 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-84 - Municipal police member coverage plan 5; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-85 - Municipal police member coverage plan 5; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-86 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-87 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-88 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-89 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-90 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-91 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 1; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-92 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 2; applicability.

Section 10-11-93 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 2; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-94 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 2; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-95 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-96 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 2; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-97 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 2; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-98 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 3; applicability.

Section 10-11-99 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 3; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-100 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 3; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-101 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-102 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 3; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-103 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 3; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-104 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 4; applicability.

Section 10-11-105 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 4; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-106 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 4; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-107 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-108 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 4; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-109 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 4; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-110 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 5; applicability.

Section 10-11-111 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 5; age and service requirements for normal retirement.

Section 10-11-112 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 5; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-113 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-114 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 5; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-115 - Municipal fire member coverage plan 5; affiliated public employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-115.1 - Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1; applicability.

Section 10-11-115.2 - Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1; age and service requirements for normal retirement; calculation of credited service.

Section 10-11-115.3 - Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1; amount of pension; form of payment A.

Section 10-11-115.4 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-115.5 - Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1; member contribution rate.

Section 10-11-115.6 - Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1; employer contribution rate.

Section 10-11-115.7 - Municipal detention officer member coverage plan 1; service credit required for municipal detention officer members.

Section 10-11-116 - Election of form of payment of a pension.

Section 10-11-117 - Forms of payment of a pension.

Section 10-11-118 - Cost-of-living adjustments; qualified pension recipient; declining increase.

Section 10-11-118.1 - Adjustment of benefits.

Section 10-11-119 - Commencement, change and termination of a pension.

Section 10-11-120 - Denial of benefit claim; appeals.

Section 10-11-121 - Group health insurance; continuation; group life insurance.

Section 10-11-122 - Public employer affiliation.

Section 10-11-123 - Funds of association.

Section 10-11-124 - Member contribution fund.

Section 10-11-125 - Member contributions; tax treatment.

Section 10-11-126 - Employers accumulation fund; employers contributions; transfers to retirement reserve fund.

Section 10-11-127 - Retirement reserve fund.

Section 10-11-128 - Income fund.

Section 10-11-129 - Distribution of income fund.

Section 10-11-129.1 - Legislative retirement fund.

Section 10-11-130 - Retirement board; authority; membership.

Section 10-11-130.1 - Restrictions on receipt of gifts; restriction on campaign contributions; required reporting.

Section 10-11-131 - Retirement board; officers; employment of services.

Section 10-11-132 - Investment of funds; prudent investor standard; indemnification of board members.

Section 10-11-133 - Investment of funds; prudent investor standard; conditions.

Section 10-11-133.1 - Disclosure of third-party marketers; penalty.

Section 10-11-134 - Survivor benefit fund; disposition.

Section 10-11-135 - Funds not subject to process.

Section 10-11-136 - Division of funds as community property.

Section 10-11-136.1 - Legal process to satisfy child support obligations.

Section 10-11-137 - Insurance and banking laws not applicable.

Section 10-11-138 - Gifts and bequests.

Section 10-11-139 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-140 - Repealed.

Section 10-11-141 - Purchase of service credit.

Section 10-11-142 - Notice of eligibility and changes in benefits.

Section 10-11-143 - Contribution rate reductions; coverage plan funded ratio. (Effective July 1, 2022.)