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Section 13-3-501 - Retention Generally. - 13-3-501. Retention generally. Each bank in this state shall retain...
Section 13-3-502 - Permanent Records. - 13-3-502. Permanent records. Each bank shall permanently retain the minute...
Section 13-3-503 - Records Retained 3 Years. - 13-3-503. Records retained 3 years. All bank records pertaining to...
Section 13-3-504 - Requirements of State Banking Commissioner. - 13-3-504. Requirements of state banking commissioner. All other bank records...
Section 13-3-505 - State Banking Commissioner to Issue Rules. - 13-3-505. State banking commissioner to issue rules. (a) The state...
Section 13-3-506 - Duty to Produce. - 13-3-506. Duty to produce. After the period prescribed for the...
Section 13-3-507 - Reproduction. - 13-3-507. Reproduction. Any bank may cause any of its records...