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Section 1-21-501 - Issuance of Execution. - 1-21-501. Issuance of execution. Execution for the enforcement of a...
Section 1-21-502 - Form and Contents of Execution. - 1-21-502. Form and contents of execution. (a) The execution shall...
Section 1-21-503 - Endorsement on Execution. - 1-21-503. Endorsement on execution. Before any execution is delivered, the...
Section 1-21-504 - Renewal of Execution. - 1-21-504. Renewal of execution. If any execution is not satisfied,...
Section 1-21-506 - Receipt of Money. - 1-21-506. Receipt of money. The officer holding an execution shall...
Section 1-21-507 - Rights of Surety. - 1-21-507. Rights of surety. When any judgment is obtained against...
Section 1-21-508 - Execution Against Joint Debtors. - 1-21-508. Execution against joint debtors. An execution on a judgment...
Section 1-21-509 - Right to Sue Surety. - 1-21-509. Right to sue surety. In all cases of surety,...
Section 1-21-510 - Execution for Costs. - 1-21-510. Execution for costs. A judge may issue execution to...
Section 1-21-511 - Right to Stay of Execution. - 1-21-511. Right to stay of execution. Except as otherwise provided,...
Section 1-21-512 - Time for Which Stay Granted. - 1-21-512. Time for which stay granted. (a) Stay of execution...
Section 1-21-513 - Cases in Which Stay Not Allowed. - 1-21-513. Cases in which stay not allowed. (a) No stay...
Section 1-21-514 - Recall of Execution. - 1-21-514. Recall of execution. If the execution issued before the...
Section 1-21-515 - Conditions Under Which Execution Issued Notwithstanding Stay. - 1-21-515. Conditions under which execution issued notwithstanding stay. When any...
Section 1-21-516 - Giving of Further Bond. - 1-21-516. Giving of further bond. If within ten (10) days...
Section 1-21-517 - Discovery in Aid of Execution. - 1-21-517. Discovery in aid of execution. (a) At any time...