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Section 7-5-201 - Appointment of Foreman; Oath of Jurors. - 7-5-201. Appointment of foreman; oath of jurors. (a) The district...
Section 7-5-202 - Charging of Duties; Powers. - 7-5-202. Charging of duties; powers. (a) After the grand jury...
Section 7-5-203 - Right of District Attorney to Appear Before Jury; Presence of Other Persons During Deliberations. - 7-5-203. Right of district attorney to appear before jury; presence...
Section 7-5-204 - Process for Witnesses. - 7-5-204. Process for witnesses. If requested by the grand jury...
Section 7-5-205 - Administration of Oath or Affirmation to Witnesses. - 7-5-205. Administration of oath or affirmation to witnesses. Before any...
Section 7-5-206 - Proceedings Upon Refusal of Witness to Testify. - 7-5-206. Proceedings upon refusal of witness to testify. If a...
Section 7-5-207 - Secrecy of Indictments Against Persons Not Under Control. - 7-5-207. Secrecy of indictments against persons not under control. The...
Section 7-5-208 - Confidentiality. - 7-5-208. Confidentiality. (a) Disclosure of matters occurring before the grand...
Section 7-5-209 - Presentation and Filing of Indictment. - 7-5-209. Presentation and filing of indictment. Indictments found by the...