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Section 1 - The legislative power shall be vested in a senate and...
Section 2 - Senators shall be elected for the term of four (4)...
Section 3 - Each county shall constitute a senatorial and representative district; the...
Section 5 - Members of the senate and house of representatives shall be...
Section 6 - The legislature shall not meet for more than sixty (60)...
Section 7 - (ii) The presiding officers of each house shall also jointly...
Section 8 - No senator or representative shall, during the term for which...
Section 9 - No member of either house shall, during the term for...
Section 10 - The senate shall, at the beginning and close of each...
Section 11 - A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to...
Section 12 - Each house shall have power to determine the rules of...
Section 13 - Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings and...
Section 14 - The sessions of each house and of the committee of...
Section 15 - Neither house shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn...
Section 16 - The members of the legislature shall, in all cases, except...
Section 17 - The sole power of impeachment shall vest in the house...
Section 18 - The governor and other state and judicial officers except justices...
Section 19 - Except as hereafter provided, all officers not liable to impeachment...
Section 20 - No law shall be passed except by bill, and no...
Section 21 - The enacting clause of every law shall be as follows:...
Section 22 - No bill for the appropriation of money, except for the...
Section 23 - No bill shall be considered or become a law unless...
Section 24 - No bill, except general appropriation bills and bills for the...
Section 25 - No bill shall become a law except by a vote...
Section 26 - No law shall be revised or amended, or the provisions...
Section 27 - The legislature shall not pass local or special laws in...
Section 28 - The presiding officer of each house shall, in the presence...
Section 29 - The legislature shall prescribe by law the number, duties and...
Section 30 - No bill shall be passed giving any extra compensation to...
Section 31 - All stationery, printing, paper, fuel and lights used in the...
Section 32 - Except as otherwise provided in this constitution, no law shall...
Section 33 - All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house...
Section 34 - The general appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but appropriations for...
Section 35 - Except for interest on public debt, money shall be paid...
Section 36 - No appropriation shall be made for charitable, industrial, educational or...
Section 37 - The legislature shall not delegate to any special commissioner, private...
Section 38 - The legislature may authorize the investment of trust funds by...
Section 39 - The legislature shall have no power to pass any law...
Section 40 - No obligation or liability of any person, association or corporation...
Section 41 - Every order, resolution or vote, in which the concurrence of...
Section 42 - If any person elected to either house of the legislature...
Section 43 - Any person who shall directly or indirectly offer, give or...
Section 44 - Any person may be compelled to testify in any lawful...
Section 45 - The offense of corrupt solicitation of members of the legislature...
Section 46 - A member who has a personal or private interest in...
Section 47 - One representative in the congress of the United States shall...
Section 48 - At the first budget session of the legislature following the...
Section 49 - Congressional districts may be altered from time to time as...
Section 50 - Uinta County, two senators and three representatives.
Section 51 - When vacancies shall occur in the membership of either house...
Section 52 - (g) The initiative shall not be used to dedicate revenues,...
Section 53 - Notwithstanding Article 4, Section 5 of this Constitution, the legislature...