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990.001 - Construction of laws; rules for. - 990.001 Construction of laws; rules for. In construing Wisconsin laws...
990.01 - Construction of laws; words and phrases. - 990.01 Construction of laws; words and phrases. In the construction...
990.02 - Construing statutes of 1898. - 990.02 Construing statutes of 1898. (1) All references to chapters...
990.03 - Effect of repeals. - 990.03 Effect of repeals. (1) No law repealed by a...
990.04 - Actions pending not defeated by repeal of statute. - 990.04 Actions pending not defeated by repeal of statute. The...
990.06 - Repeal or change of law limiting time for bringing actions. - 990.06 Repeal or change of law limiting time for bringing...
990.07 - Evidence. - 990.07 Evidence. The Wisconsin statutes as prepared under s. 35.18...
990.08 - Citation of supreme court rules. - 990.08 Citation of supreme court rules. When a supreme court...