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752.01 - Jurisdiction. - 752.01 Jurisdiction. (1) The court of appeals has appellate jurisdiction...
752.02 - Supervisory authority. - 752.02 Supervisory authority. The court of appeals has supervisory authority...
752.03 - Number of judges. - 752.03 Number of judges. There shall be 16 court of...
752.04 - Elections. - 752.04 Elections. Court of appeals judges shall be elected by...
752.05 - Administrative headquarters. - 752.05 Administrative headquarters. The court of appeals shall have administrative...
752.07 - Chief judge. - 752.07 Chief judge. The supreme court shall appoint a court...
752.11 - Districts. - 752.11 Districts. (1) The court of appeals is divided into...
752.13 - District I. - 752.13 District I. The court chambers for the court of...
752.15 - District II. - 752.15 District II. The court chambers for the court of...
752.17 - District III. - 752.17 District III. The court chambers for the court of...
752.19 - District IV. - 752.19 District IV. The court chambers for the court of...
752.21 - Venue. - 752.21 Venue. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), a...
752.31 - Disposition of cases. - 752.31 Disposition of cases. (1) Except as otherwise provided in...
752.35 - Discretionary reversal. - 752.35 Discretionary reversal. In an appeal to the court of...
752.37 - Enforcement of judgments and determinations. - 752.37 Enforcement of judgments and determinations. The court of appeals...
752.39 - Referral of issues of fact. - 752.39 Referral of issues of fact. In actions where the...
752.41 - Decisions. - 752.41 Decisions. (1) In each case, the court of appeals...
752.61 - State assumption of costs. - 752.61 State assumption of costs. The state shall pay for...