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351.01 - Declaration of intent. - 351.01 Declaration of intent. The legislature intends by enacting this...
351.02 - Definitions. - 351.02 Definitions. In this chapter: (1) “Habitual traffic offender" means...
351.025 - Revocation. - 351.025 Revocation. (1) The secretary shall revoke a person's operating...
351.027 - Hearing on revocations. - 351.027 Hearing on revocations. (1) Whenever the secretary under authority...
351.03 - Secretary to certify copy of conviction record. - 351.03 Secretary to certify copy of conviction record. Upon receipt...
351.04 - District attorney or attorney general to represent secretary. - 351.04 District attorney or attorney general to represent secretary. The...
351.05 - Habitual traffic offender or repeat habitual traffic offender determination by the court. - 351.05 Habitual traffic offender or repeat habitual traffic offender determination...
351.06 - Order of court. - 351.06 Order of court. If the court finds that the...
351.07 - Occupational license; conviction after issuance. - 351.07 Occupational license; conviction after issuance. (1) A person whose...
351.08 - Operation of motor vehicle by habitual traffic offender or repeat habitual traffic offender prohibited; penalty; enforcement. - 351.08 Operation of motor vehicle by habitual traffic offender or...
351.09 - Recalculation of habitual traffic offender status. - 351.09 Recalculation of habitual traffic offender status. Any person whose...
351.10 - Appeals. - 351.10 Appeals. An appeal to the court of appeals may...
351.11 - Application of chapter. - 351.11 Application of chapter. This chapter is in addition to...