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§31D-1-101. Short Title - CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. §31D-1-101. Short title. This chapter is and...
§31D-1-101a. Legislative Acknowledgment - The Legislature acknowledges the work and contribution to the drafting...
§31D-1-102. Reservation of Powers - The Legislature has power to amend or repeal all or...
§31D-1-103. Construction of Chapter - In the event of any inconsistency between any of the...
§31D-1-120. Filing Requirements - (a) A document must satisfy the requirements of this section...
§31D-1-121. Forms - (a) The Secretary of State may prescribe and, upon request,...
§31D-1-122. Filing, Service and Copying Fees - The Secretary of State shall collect all fees required to...
§31D-1-123. Effective Time and Date of Document - (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section...
§31D-1-124. Correcting Filed Document - (a) A domestic or foreign corporation may correct a document...
§31D-1-125. Filing Duty of Secretary of State - (a) If a document delivered to the office of the...
§31D-1-126. Appeal From Secretary of State's Refusal to File Document - (a) If the Secretary of State refuses to file a...
§31D-1-127. Evidentiary Effect of Copy of Filed Document - All courts, public offices and official bodies shall take and...
§31D-1-128. Certificate of Existence - (a) Any person may request a certificate of existence for...
§31D-1-129. Penalty for Signing False Document - Any person who signs a document he or she knows...
§31D-1-130. Powers - §31D-1-130. Powers. The Secretary of State has the power reasonably...
§31D-1-131. One-Stop Electronic State Business Portal - (a) The Secretary of State shall establish a web-based business...
§31D-1-140. Venue - §31D-1-140. Venue. Unless otherwise provided by any provision of this...
§31D-1-150. Definitions - As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires...
§31D-1-151. Notice - (a) Notice under this chapter must be in writing unless...
§31D-1-152. Number of Shareholders - (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following, identified as...