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§19-14-1. Title - This article shall be known as the "West Virginia Commercial...
§19-14-2. Definitions - (a) "Brand name" means any word, name, symbol or device,...
§19-14-3. Powers and Duties of the Commissioner - The commissioner has the power and authority to: (1) Enter...
§19-14-4. Special Revenue Fund - Except as otherwise provided in this article, all fees and...
§19-14-5. Permits; Registration - (a) Permits and registrations shall not be transferrable with respect...
§19-14-6. Refusal of Applications; Suspension and Revocation of Registrations and Permits - The commissioner may refuse to grant, or may suspend or...
§19-14-7. Hearings and Appeals - (a) No application shall be refused until the applicant has...
§19-14-8. Labeling - (a) When commercial feed, except customer-formula feed, is distributed in...
§19-14-9. Tonnage Reports; Inspection Fees - (a) Each person holding a Commercial Feed Manufacturing Permit or...
§19-14-10. Adulteration - Commercial feed or feed ingredients is adulterated: (1) If it...
§19-14-11. Misbranding - Commercial feed shall be deemed to be misbranded: (1) If...
§19-14-12. Embargoes; Condemnation and Confiscation; Injunctions - (a) Embargo orders. (1) When the commissioner has reasonable cause...
§19-14-13. Confidentiality of Trade Secrets - The commissioner may not make public any information which contains...
§19-14-14. Prohibited Acts - It shall be unlawful: (a) To manufacture or distribute any...
§19-14-15. Penalties - (a) Criminal penalties. -- Any person violating any of the...
§19-14-16. Deviations and Penalties - (a) The commissioner is authorized to adopt regulations establishing permitted...