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§18-11A-1. Board of Governors [Board of Regents] Authorized to Issue Revenue Bonds for New Buildings - The board of Governors of West Virginia University shall have...
§18-11A-2. Creation of Special University Capital Improvements Fund; Revenues Payable Into Such Fund; Authority of Board to Pledge Such Revenues Into Sinking and Reserve Funds - There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special...
§18-11A-3. Issuance of Revenue Bonds - The issuance of bonds under the provisions of this article...
§18-11A-4. Trust Agreement for Holders of Bonds - The board may enter into an agreement or agreements with...
§18-11A-5. Sinking Fund for Payment of Bonds - From the special university capital improvements fund the board shall...
§18-11A-6. Credit of State Not Pledged - No provisions of this article shall be construed to authorize...
§18-11A-7. Bonds Exempt From Taxation - All bonds issued by the board under the provisions of...
§18-11A-8. Supplemental Powers Conferred; Conflicting Laws Superseded - The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition...