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§18-10M-1. Short Title - This article shall be known and may be cited as...
§18-10M-2. Legislative Findings and Declarations - The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following: (1) The...
§18-10M-3. Purpose - The purpose of this article is to authorize, facilitate or...
§18-10M-4. Definitions - Terms used in this article have the same meanings as...
§18-10M-5. Eligibility for Services - Any individual with a significant disability, as defined in the...
§18-10M-6. Statewide Independent Living Council - (a) The West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council is continued...
§18-10M-7. State Plan for Independent Living - (a) The state plan shall direct the use of federal...
§18-10M-8. Funding and Grants - (a) Funds appropriated to the designated state entity for independent...