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§12-6-1. Purposes and Objects; How Article Cited - This article, which may be cited as the "West Virginia...
§12-6-1a. Legislative Findings - (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that all the...
§12-6-2. Definitions - As used in this article, unless a different meaning clearly...
§12-6-3. West Virginia Investment Management Board Continued; Body Corporate; Trust Fund Board; Trustees; Nomination and Appointment of Trustees, Qualifications and Terms of Appointment, Advice and Consent; Annual and Other Meetings; Designation of R... - (a) There is hereby continued the West Virginia investment management...
§12-6-4. Management and Control of Fund; Officers; Staff; Fiduciary or Surety Bonds for Trustees; Liability of Trustees - (a) The management and control of the board shall be...
§12-6-5. Powers of the Board - The board may exercise all powers necessary or appropriate, in...
§12-6-5a. Legislative Findings and Limitation on Certain Board Actions - (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that, during the...
§12-6-6. Annual Audits; Reports and Information to Constitutional and Legislative Officers, Council of Finance and Administration, Consolidated Public Retirement Board, Workers' Compensation Fund and Coal-Workers' Pneumoconiosis Fund; Statements and... - (a) The board shall cause an annual financial and compliance...
§12-6-7. Legal Status of Agencies and Boards Continued - Except as otherwise provided in this article, every state agency...
§12-6-8. Investment Funds Established; Management Thereof - (a) There is continued a special investment fund designated as...
§12-6-9. Fees for Service - The board may charge fees, which may be subtracted from...
§12-6-9a. Trust Indenture - The provisions of the trust indenture entered into by the...
§12-6-9c. Authorization of Additional Investments - Notwithstanding the restrictions which may otherwise be provided by law...
§12-6-9e. Legislative Findings; Loans for Industrial Development; Availability of Funds and Interest Rates - (a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the citizens...
§12-6-9h. Securities Handling - In financial transactions whereby securities are purchased by the board...
§12-6-11. Standard of Care and Investment Requirements; Disclosure of Information - (a) Any investments made under this article shall be made...
§12-6-13. Board as Agency for Investments; Exceptions - All duties vested by law in any agency, commission, official...
§12-6-14. Reports of Board; Legislative Audits, Reviews and Studies - (a) The board shall prepare annually, or more frequently if...
§12-6-16. Existing Investments - The board shall be vested with ownership of all securities...
§12-6-17. Severability of Provisions - If any provision of this article, or the applicability thereof...
§12-6-18. Liberal Construction - This article, being necessary to secure the public health, safety,...
§12-6-19. Authorization for Loans by the Board - (a) The board, upon request of the state building commission,...
§12-6-20. Continuation of Board - Repealed. Acts, 2010 Reg. Sess., Ch. 32.
§12-6-21. Investment With Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority - (a) The Legislature finds and declares: (1) That the supreme...