Structure West Virginia Code
§19-2A-1. Public Market Defined
§19-2A-2. Public Markets Subject to State Regulation
§19-2A-3. Operation of Public Markets
§19-2A-4. Permits to Operate; Application and Hearing
§19-2A-5. Permits for Existing Markets
§19-2A-7. Revocation or Suspension of Permits
§19-2A-8. Applicant for Permit to Furnish Surety Bond for Benefit of Consignors; Form of Surety Bond
§19-2A-9. Appeal From Order of Commissioner
§19-2A-10. Licensing of Weighmen and Auctioneers; Application and Fee; Sale of Livestock by Weight
§19-2A-12. Duration of Licenses; Renewals; Refusal, Revocation or Suspension
§19-2A-14. Testing and Inspection of Livestock for Infectious Diseases; Fees; Records
§19-2A-15. Annual Meetings to Establish Uniform Standards, Grades and Market Practices
§19-2A-16. Record of Transactions; Inspection by Commissioner or Agents
§19-2A-16a. Separate Account Required; Prompt Payment Required; Penalties
§19-2A-17. Authority of Commissioner to Enforce Article; Conflicts With Federal Authority
§19-2A-18. Fees Paid Into Special Fund in State Treasury
§19-2A-19. Penalties for Violation of Article or Rules and Regulations