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§ 5711. Short title - § 5711. Short title This chapter may be cited as...
§ 5712. Uniformity of application - § 5712. Uniformity of application In applying and construing this...
§ 5713. Definitions - § 5713. Definitions As used in this chapter: (1) “Court”...
§ 5714. Scope - § 5714. Scope (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection...
§ 5715. Privilege against disclosure; admissibility; discovery - § 5715. Privilege against disclosure; admissibility; discovery (a) A mediation...
§ 5716. Waiver and preclusion of privilege - § 5716. Waiver and preclusion of privilege (a) A privilege...
§ 5717. Exceptions to privilege - § 5717. Exceptions to privilege (a) There is no privilege...
§ 5718. Mediator report; disclosure; background - § 5718. Mediator report; disclosure; background (a) A mediator may...
§ 5719. Nonparty participation in mediation - § 5719. Nonparty participation in mediation An attorney or other...
§ 5720. Confidentiality - § 5720. Confidentiality Unless subject to 1 V.S.A. chapter 5,...
§ 5721. Relation to Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act - § 5721. Relation to Electronic Signature in Global and National...
§ 5722. Severability clause - § 5722. Severability clause If any provision of this chapter...
§ 5723. Application to existing agreements or referrals - § 5723. Application to existing agreements or referrals (a) This...