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Subchapter A— Requirements Relating to Portability, Access, and Renewability
§ 9801. Increased portability through limitation on preexisting condition exclusions - (a) Limitation on preexisting condition exclusion period; crediting for periods...
§ 9802. Prohibiting discrimination against individual participants and beneficiaries based on health status - (a) In eligibility to enroll(1) In generalSubject to paragraph (2),...
§ 9803. Guaranteed renewability in multiemployer plans and certain multiple employer welfare arrangements - (a) In generalA group health plan which is a multiemployer...
[§ 9804. Renumbered § 9831] -
[§ 9805. Renumbered § 9832] -
[§ 9806. Renumbered § 9833] -
Subchapter B— Other Requirements
§ 9811. Standards relating to benefits for mothers and newborns - (a) Requirements for minimum hospital stay following birth(1) In generalA...
§ 9812. Parity in mental health and substance use disorder benefits - (a) In general(1) Aggregate lifetime limitsIn the case of a...
§ 9813. Coverage of dependent students on medically necessary leave of absence - (a) Medically necessary leave of absenceIn this section, the term...
§ 9815. Additional market reforms - (a) General ruleExcept as provided in subsection (b)—(1) the provisions...
§ 9816. Preventing surprise medical bills - (a) Coverage of emergency services(1) In generalIf a group health...
§ 9817. Ending surprise air ambulance bills - (a) In generalIn the case of a participant or beneficiary...
§ 9818. Continuity of care - (a) Ensuring continuity of care with respect to terminations of...
§ 9819. Maintenance of price comparison tool - A group health plan shall offer price comparison guidance by...
§ 9820. Protecting patients and improving the accuracy of provider directory information - (a) Provider directory information requirements(1) In generalFor plan years beginning...
§ 9822. Other patient protections - (a) Choice of health care professionalIf a group health plan...
§ 9823. Air ambulance report requirements - (a) In generalEach group health plan shall submit to the...
§ 9824. Increasing transparency by removing gag clauses on price and quality information - (a) 11 So in original. There is no subsec. (b)....
§ 9825. Reporting on pharmacy benefits and drug costs - (a) In generalNot later than 1 year after the date...
Subchapter C— General Provisions
§ 9831. General exceptions - (a) Exception for certain plansThe requirements of this chapter shall...
§ 9832. Definitions - (a) Group health planFor purposes of this chapter, the term...
§ 9833. Regulations - The Secretary, consistent with section 104 of the Health Care...
§ 9834. Enforcement - For the imposition of tax on any failure of a...