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§ 6101. Findings and declaration of policy - (a) FindingsCongress finds that—(1) mushrooms are an important food that...
§ 6102. Definitions - (1) CommerceThe term “commerce” means interstate, foreign, or intrastate commerce....
§ 6103. Issuance of orders - (a) In generalTo effectuate the declared policy of section 6101(b)...
§ 6104. Required terms in orders - (a) In generalEach order issued under this chapter shall contain...
§ 6105. Referenda - (a) Initial referendum(1) In generalWithin the 60-day period immediately preceding...
§ 6106. Petition and review - (a) Petition(1) In generalA person subject to an order issued...
§ 6107. Enforcement - (a) JurisdictionThe several district courts of the United States are...
§ 6108. Investigations and power to subpoena - (a) InvestigationsThe Secretary may make such investigations as the Secretary...
§ 6109. Savings provision - Nothing in this chapter may be construed to preempt or...
§ 6110. Suspension or termination of orders - The Secretary shall, whenever the Secretary finds that the order...
§ 6111. Authorization of appropriations - (a) In generalThere are authorized to be appropriated for each...
§ 6112. Regulations - The Secretary may issue such regulations as are necessary to...