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§ 5951. Findings on cooperative threat reduction - (1) Facilitate, on a priority basis, the transportation, storage, safeguarding,...
§§ 5952, 5953. Repealed. , , -
§ 5954. Funding for fiscal year 1994 - (a) Authorization of appropriationsFunds authorized to be appropriated under section...
§ 5955. Repealed. , , -
§ 5956. Repealed. , title XIII, § 1308(g)(1)(A)], , , 1654A–343 -
§ 5957. Repealed. , , -
§ 5958. Authorization for additional fiscal year 1993 assistance to independent states of the former Soviet Union - (a) Authorization of appropriationsThere is hereby authorized to be appropriated...
§ 5959. Repealed. , , -
§§ 5960, 5961. Repealed. , , -
§ 5961a. Requirement for on-site managers - (a) On-site manager requirementBefore obligating any defense nuclear nonproliferation funds...
§§ 5962, 5963. Repealed. , , -
§§ 5964, 5965. Repealed. , , -