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§ 2901. Congressional findings and declaration of policy - (a) Congress finds that—(1) beef and beef products are basic...
§ 2902. Definitions - (1) the term “beef” means flesh of cattle; (2) the...
§ 2903. Issuance of orders - (a) During the period beginning on January 1, 1986, and...
§ 2904. Required terms in orders - (1) The order shall provide for the establishment and selection...
§ 2905. Certification of organizations to nominate - (a) Eligibility of State organization certified by Secretary; eligibility criteriaThe...
§ 2906. Requirement of referendum - (a) Continuation or termination of orderFor the purpose of determining...
§ 2907. Refunds - (a) Establishment of escrow accountDuring the period prior to the...
§ 2908. Enforcement - (a) Restraining order; civil penaltyIf the Secretary believes that the...
§ 2909. Investigations by Secretary; oaths and affirmations; subpenas; judicial enforcement; contempt proceedings; service of process - The Secretary may make such investigations as the Secretary deems...
§ 2910. Preemption of other Federal and State programs; applicability of provisions to amendments to orders - (a) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to preempt...
§ 2911. Authorization of appropriations - There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may...
§§ 2912 to 2918. Omitted -