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§ 60901. Case file review - (a) In generalThe head of an agency shall review the...
§ 60902. Application - Each agency shall develop a written application to be used...
§ 60903. Full reinvestigation - (a) In generalThe agency shall conduct a full reinvestigation of...
§ 60904. Consultation and updates - (a) In generalThe agency shall consult with the designated person...
§ 60905. Subsequent reviews - (a) Case file reviewIf a review under subsection (a) case...
§ 60906. Data collection - (a) In generalBeginning on the date that is three years...
§ 60907. Procedures to promote compliance - (a) RegulationsNot later than one year after August 3, 2022,...
§ 60908. Withholding information - Nothing in this chapter shall require an agency to provide...
§ 60909. Multiple agencies - In the case that more than one agency conducted the...
§ 60910. Applicability - This chapter applies in the case of any cold case...
§ 60911. Definitions - (1) The term “designated person” means an immediate family member...
§ 60912. Annual report - (a) In generalEach agency shall submit an annual report to...