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§ 60601. Space weather - (a) Findings.—(1) Space weather.—Congress makes the following findings with respect...
§ 60602. Integrated strategy - (a) In General.—The Director of the Office of Science and...
§ 60603. Sustaining and advancing critical space weather observations - (a) Policy.—It is the policy of the United States to—(1)...
§ 60604. Research activities - (a) Basic Research.—The Director of the National Science Foundation, the...
§ 60605. Space weather data - (a) In General.—The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space...
§ 60606. Space weather knowledge transfer and information exchange - (1) facilitate advances in space weather prediction and forecasting; (2)...
§ 60607. Pilot program for obtaining commercial sector space weather data - (a) Establishment.—Not later than 12 months after the date of...
§ 60608. Space weather benchmarks - (1) any significant new data or advances in scientific understanding...