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§ 3071. Purposes - (1) to carry out the trust responsibility of the United...
§ 3072. Definitions - (1) Archaeological resourceThe term “archaeological resource” means an archaeological resource...
§ 3073. Export prohibitions; export certification system; international agreements - (a) Export prohibitions(1) In generalIt shall be unlawful for any...
§ 3074. Voluntary return of tangible cultural heritage - (a) LiaisonThe Secretary and the Secretary of State shall each...
§ 3075. Interagency working group - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall designate a coordinating office to...
§ 3076. Native working group - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall convene a Native working group...
§ 3077. Treatment under Freedom of Information Act - (a) In generalExcept as provided in subsection (c), the following...
§ 3078. Regulations - Not later than 1 year after , the Secretary, in...
§ 3079. Authorization of appropriations - There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this...